Half of renters are living in cold, damp homes – Citizens Advice

Half of renters are living in cold, damp homes – Citizens Advice

9:46 AM, 24th July 2024, About 5 months ago 46

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Nearly half of private renters in England are enduring freezing, damp or mouldy homes, Citizens Advice has warned.

And, the charity claims, half of these tenants have endured these conditions for over a year.

It also says there has been a surge in eviction cases and it is helping nearly 100 people every day who are facing Section 21 ‘no-fault’ evictions.

The government is now being urged to end Section 21 and force landlords to improve energy efficiency in their properties.

‘Should be a fundamental right’

The chief executive of Citizens Advice, Dame Clare Moriarty, said: “A warm, safe home, free of damp and mould should be a fundamental right.

“Yet private renters are paying through the roof for increasingly decrepit housing which eats up their hard-earned cash and puts their health at risk.”

She added: “To make matters worse, renters have little power and live with the constant threat of eviction hanging over their heads.

“The government must follow through on its promises and improve the lives of private renters.

“This means raising the quality of privately rented housing, tackling runaway rents, and bringing in a watertight ban of section 21 evictions so renters aren’t afraid to challenge poor conditions.”

Generational decline in living standards

Citizens Advice says the crisis is exacerbating a generational decline in living standards in the private rented sector.

It says that renters on low incomes are projected to spend 53% of their earnings on housing and energy this year.

That figure dwarfs the 46% for social housing tenants and 40% for homeowners.

The organisation also claims that a third of private renters have resorted to borrowing to cover rent.

And 17% choose not to use the heating, hot water or electricity.

Third of renters who have experienced damp

However, the research also reveals that a third of renters who have experienced damp, cold or mould haven’t complained to landlords, fearing eviction or rent rises.

Citizens Advice is now demanding reform of the PRS and is urging the government to address affordability, disrepair and security issues.

This includes permanently linking financial support for renters to real rent prices, implementing a watertight ban on Section 21 evictions, and requiring landlords to improve energy efficiency to a minimum EPC rating of ‘C’.

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Keith Wellburn

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5:01 AM, 27th July 2024, About 5 months ago

Reply to the comment left by PAUL BARTLETT at 26/07/2024 - 22:56
I doubt even a criminal landlord who ignores all the rules would recognise 50% hazardous damp and mould.

This disingenuous and ignorant behaviour by so called leaders of these organisations is legitimising an attitude of victimhood in every aspect of being a tenant and obviously opening the door to a new wave of ambulance chasing lawyers seeking to cash in.

All the while leaving the small minority who have serious issues and need help, lost in all the white noise and grandstanding.

Many years of experience tell me that you will never resolve any condensation and mould issues with a tenant that believes there are no points for them to consider in the use of the property.

These organisations, aided by the likes of Gove and Rayner are basically telling tenants they have rights and it’s your landlord who has the responsibilities in every aspect of the relationship.

All the while the lack of homes to rent gets worse and they can’t make the connection with the message they are sending to landlords and the policies they are responsible for.


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14:26 PM, 27th July 2024, About 5 months ago

The article is contradictory… on the one hand it’s saying these houses are cold, damp and mouldy… and then in the same article is states: “ And 17% choose not to use the heating, hot water or electricity.”

So if you’re not putting on the heating WTF do you expect ????!!!

Why don’t they have a go at the rising energy costs, how that should be free / cheaper and how these utility companies are making MILLIONS in profits. Make heating your home “more affordable”! Campaign on that! I don’t know too many landlords making millions to give out dividends to their shareholders!!!


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17:01 PM, 1st August 2024, About 5 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Lisa008 at 27/07/2024 - 14:26Well said, where there is damp there is cold, and who has control over cold....the bill paying tenants, so if they don't heat a property properly, damp will form. Damp is formed by moist air condensing on cold surfaces, its not rocket science, so blame should lie squarely on tenants, when a house is kept empty for a long term with no heating and no one living and breathing in a house with all windows and vents closed, no drying of clothes, no one taking baths or shower, there won't be a speck of mould. and yes High Energy bills force tenants to heat as little as necessary, so Shelter has no scientific brains thick heads as they are.


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17:21 PM, 1st August 2024, About 5 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Lisa008 at 27/07/2024 - 14:26
Lisa, I don't think you understand the concept of dividends - its paid from profits (the thing you aim to make by renting out properties). The dividends also are paid mainly to pension funds - which pay my pension.

My LTD company also pays me dividend from the properties I have, and I would say most new landlords are now setting up a LTD company

John Grefe

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9:22 AM, 15th August 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Cider Drinker at 24/07/2024 - 09:10
Yes, when will this anti Landlord banging stop?

Paul Smith

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10:57 AM, 17th August 2024, About 4 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Cider Drinker at 24/07/2024 - 09:10
While the governments obtuse ombudsman remains in denial that normal living can cause mould the scales of justice remain skewed. If normal living allows people to dry clothes not ventilate not clean and deny the landlord access while reporting to.the council. A great debunker is mould growing on plastic frames or windows - impervious surfaces don't allow water to penetrate, any mould is surface caused by humidity lack of ventilation and temperature. Inaccurate finger pointing makes some sell.

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