Government guidance for moving home – Step 4 of lockdown roadmap

Government guidance for moving home – Step 4 of lockdown roadmap

10:14 AM, 23rd July 2021, About 4 years ago

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Those renting a property, letting agents and landlords should be aware of and follow the government guidance on coronavirus and renting which contains further advice that may also be applicable such as on possession proceedings, repairs, maintenance and health and safety.

While much of step 4 will involve voluntary guidance, we are keeping a few key protections in place. This applies both to those moving home and those working in the industry.

You should not expect to immediately be able to move into any home where people have COVID-19 or are self-isolating. There is a greater risk that home moves may need to be delayed if someone shows symptoms of COVID-19 or is self-isolating.

Those who identify as clinically extremely vulnerable are able to move home. However, they should consider their personal situation and the circumstances of their move and may wish to seek medical advice before deciding whether to commit to or go ahead with a move. Some moves are likely to be lower risk – for instance if the home is empty, all travel can take place in their own transport and they can avoid contact with others. Vulnerable people may require additional measures to help keep them safe. These could include, for example, a limit on the number of visitors or the wearing of face coverings. Read the guidance from 19 July for clinically extremely vulnerable people.


Aside from self-isolation rules as detailed below, there are no legal limits on the households which may view a home in person. We would, however, continue to recommend that you take advantage of any opportunities to view homes remotely before committing to view in person.

You should consider wearing a face covering while you are viewing a property. If you would like people to wear a face covering when they view your property, you should make this clear.

Tradespeople in the home

Tradespeople can continue to work in other people’s homes unless customers or tradespeople are self-isolating, as detailed above.

Members of the public should ensure their homes are clean and safe before tradespeople enter. This may involve cleaning items being carried by removals firms, wiping surfaces such as worktops and door handles, ensuring rooms are well ventilated and seeking to delay work if either party is showing COVID-19 symptoms.

Self-isolating and quarantine

  • Those with symptoms should get tested.
  • You must still isolate when you have tested positive for coronavirus, when contacted by NHS Test and Trace, or when advised to by the NHS COVID-19 app.
  • This means you should not view or work in other people’s homes or offices for the duration of your isolation. Home moves can continue to take place virtually, if possible.
  • There are some legal exceptions which still allow you to leave home. Read the guidance for those with possible or confirmed coronavirus infection.
  • You must follow the quarantine rules when entering England from countries rated as red, amber or green. Read the guidance on entering England.

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