General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

12:30 PM, 18th April 2017, About 7 years ago 672

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We are asking all landlords to complete this Poll.

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We are also extremely interested in your views so please post comments.

For example, you may well despise what the Conservative Government has done and you may well mistrust them but will any other party be better?

If landlords vote for minor parties might this hand a win to Labour?

Do you think a coalition Government is likely, and if so between which parties?

Which party would you least prefer to be elected and why?

Could not voting hand this election to Labour?

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13:23 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Kathy Evans" at "07/06/2017 - 11:58":

I have done what I can and put two properties up for sale in a dead market in order to be in base rate band. Currently paying out £800 in mortgages until they sell, which may take a long time as I can't really go below valuation (they have already been downvalued from when I bought them and I need to clear the mortgages). At some point, if some of these changes come in, I will find a very good accountant to see if there is any way I can protect our own homes (not sure that there is, but I can deal with losing my pension but not my home if there is any way not to), give the one tenant who could buy the opportunity to do so, and hand the keys of the other 5 BTLs back, because there is only so much stress one can take.

I am glad we never tagged ourselves as the land of opportunity or we could probably be sued under Trades Descriptions now.

NW Landlord

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17:05 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Gary Dully

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18:58 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Landlords I hope today it's educational.

I am aghast at the 'Entitlement' narrative that is fed by the media.

It starts with bad manners, now staple of Eastenders, Coronation St, Hollyoaks etc.

The only way young people can deal with even the smallest of a problem nowadays is by a nasty confrontation as taught by Eastenders and Hollyoaks.

Then we move on to Entitlement
I am sick of hearing nurses, lefties and worse of all students whinging about the cost of things such as university tuition fees.

The whole point of a degree is that it holds both an educational and financial value.
If you are given something for nothing, it holds no value to you or an employer.

If your parents are seen to struggle to pay for your better education, you tend to value it.

Give something for nothing and to be blunt....

You might as well wipe your arse with it.
There are too many degree holders and they have become worthless.

For example:
If I know a Scottish student paid nothing for their degree and a English student paid £50,000 to obtain theirs, and got the same grades, which one would i pick for the same job?

I would pick the one who paid, every single time, because they have a motivator and hopefully a proven work ethic.

If you have a £50,000 debt after getting one, to me that's brilliant!
They might value it and refuse to work at Aldi for crap money.

As a student, you might just value it and pick relevant subjects that will enhance your career to pay for it, before going to university.

Outside of University Corner
My Gas safety engineer or Electrician has to pay for his City & Guilds qualifications and also their refresher training, but I pay for that qualification when I use them, it's a lifetime investment.

Under Labour they apparently want all kids to go to university for free.
I couldn't think of anything worse, the degree will mean nothing to either the person getting it or any potential employer.

Why bother going at all?, just give them a postal certificate.

What a stupid idea.

It's not even 'progressive' and definitely not fair to do so.

That means that anyone who doesn't go, has to pay for someone who does go.
The person not going, more than likely,will earn less over their careers anyway.

The same applies to owning property.
There shouldn't be a landlord amongst us, that feels any entitlement for the money you borrowed from a bank and took a risk with.

So in summary

On Thursday vote for a party that believes in self reliance.

I will be voting UKIP, as I'm in a safe labour seat.

I think their policy of free university for engineering and technical degrees is a flawed one, unless there is some cost to the student or it will become abused just like our houses are by some tenants.

See you on the other side.

Ian Narbeth

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19:42 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "07/06/2017 - 18:58":

Hi Gary
Sorry to hear you are in a safe Labour seat. This site cheered me up today:

Dr Rosalind Beck

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19:51 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "07/06/2017 - 18:58":

Hi Gary. I hope your UKIP candidate isn't an anti-landlord little shit like mine turned out to be.

Gary Dully

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20:43 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Dr Rosalind Beck" at "07/06/2017 - 19:51":

You may have a little shit candidate Ros, but their candidates view is more likely to be personal rather than spin machine diktat.

I would rather have a disagreement with a candidate over policy than a hidden agenda that the Tories dumped on us.

With UKIP they say what they mean and mean what they say.
Conviction politics is the easiest choice in my book.

Aren't you sick of spin?

Happy voting Ros

NW Landlord

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20:51 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Unfortunately I haven't got a UKIP candidate in my area I really am stuck as I can't bring myself to vote Tory after what they have done so I have spoil my paper or just not bother my whole family are the same and I thought I'd never say that

Kathy Evans

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22:36 PM, 7th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "07/06/2017 - 18:58":

Well, grants worked well enough in the late 60s and 70s. I was a beneficiary and I don't think it made any difference to how much I valued my degree. The problem now is that degrees are worth about as much as 5 O levels were then as too many people go on to higher education (probably more than got 5 O levels) so they end up doing jobs you don't need an education for as it's not possible to tell the difference between the ones who would have been in the minority who went in previous decades and those who should probably have not bothered staying on for the 6th form.

Gary Dully

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2:49 AM, 8th June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Kathy Evans" at "07/06/2017 - 22:36":

Sort of confirms my point Kathy.

I value it more than others because I haven't got it.

I had the 11 plus and I got to a Technical School.

It was very hard, I did subjects that stretched me and I failed at quite a lot, especially French, Sports and Music, but in others I was very good at them and my teachers encouraged me to specialise.
That was the point, you learned to FAIL.

You got a grant, others may not have.

I didn't get one,
So I didn't go to university and I didn't get a degree.
I had to pay for my further education and I resented it, but I value it, because of that fact.

I'm a qualified engineer, but I went into a DIY business, then sold life insurance, was a fishmonger, store manager, garage manager and now a landlord.

You may be brighter than me, but I accept that I was assessed and had I have gone I would probably have failed.

That's life, it's a bitch, but I don't need Labour to bankrupt the education budget to prove I'm a bit of a thickie.

Your parents would have told you that your efforts were special and just to get a grant was an achievement in itself.
Not everybody got one,that's because they were valuable.

How did you qualify for a grant?
Was it based on grades, status or a combination?

When you qualified was it in a 50% group of your peers or lower?

I don't want you to answer, as it's personal and none of my business.

I'm glad you got it, I just hope you put it to good use and you value it.

But if it costs £50,000 per student today and if you couldn't get a grant, the other person in Scotland that did get the grant or free course, took it for granted, later got a crappy grade or flunked out because the course was hard, or got it for political science or Classic Catholism and Greek architecture.

That £50,000 has to be paid by someone at some point and unless it's the student, it's going to be my sons who never went to University and will always earn less.

That is what Labour is now offering, but they then say it's wrong to allow kids at school who are bright, not to attend Grammer,Sports, Music or Technical schools.

They are then held back by political dogma and by screaming left wing narrative that those left in normal education are scarred for life, by allowing it.
It's utter ball sack and It just doesn't wash, so it stinks

The kids left behind are not as bright and should be helped for the next assessment .
Out of each class of 30 I reckon 6 or 7 are too bright to be there, so they shouldn't be,they are being held back.

But Labour say it's okay for everyone to get a free university course at the working age and not have to contribute to its cost.

Labour thinks that we can all be premier league football managers.
If only that were possible.

But I keep seeing graduates on the telly complain that its cost a lot of money and say they can't get a job.

No wonder, they are greedy ungrateful little shits, that's why they are unemployable.

The poor but bright kids can never get higher than the best at a comprehensive will allow in a particular area.
So you get a factory of average, (the best of the worst and the worst of the best) and nothing outstanding.

Would it not be better that kids are assessed at 9, 11,12, 13 and 14 and placed into areas of where their strengths lie?
No matter what their parents could afford?

Then give them the state provided, Sports, Grammer, Musical or Technical for free with those gifts and our money.
Just one school in each town of each type, it becomes a beacon of hope.
Further education grants should be based on very high achievement, not an Entitlement culture.

That's where kids can thrive,a university degree has now become a badge of mediocre achievement.
There are too many who leave with no direction and no hope, because they don't know what they are good or bad at.

Bring back specialist schools and celebrate the brightest, it's not their fault they are bright and their parents are poor.

# Vote UKIP

Cautious Landlord

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7:59 AM, 8th June 2017, About 7 years ago

LOL. 'greedy ungrateful little sh*ts' - that's another way of putting 'overdeveloped sense of entitlement' this country suffers badly from - and not just from the young.

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