General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

12:30 PM, 18th April 2017, About 7 years ago 672

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For example, you may well despise what the Conservative Government has done and you may well mistrust them but will any other party be better?

If landlords vote for minor parties might this hand a win to Labour?

Do you think a coalition Government is likely, and if so between which parties?

Which party would you least prefer to be elected and why?

Could not voting hand this election to Labour?

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Jennifer Aniston

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16:56 PM, 30th May 2017, About 7 years ago

A socialist system only works within a socialist structure and only if 100% of the population agree to adhere to its principles. Chuck one capitalist into that and you've got a fox in a chicken coop.

Applying socialist principles to a capitalist framework is as effective as grafting spider's legs onto an elephant.

We're currently trying to mould the two together. This is why you get hardworking people who don't want to share their wealth (well as much as would be expected under Corbyn) and the more vulnerable and less financially successful in society being deemed a burden.

And you get lazy spongers who think the world owes them a living without having to do anything to earn it because they're hard done by (which they probably are under May) and, well, why shouldn't they take from the rich, surely they've got enough to spare?

I want to live in a successful, vibrant Britain where people are encouraged to do business and make money without having to watch it disappear. I want our entrepreneurs to have the space and funding to be bold and creative, this is where Britain is great. We invent so many clever things, our research and development is world class but Corbyn lacks the intelligence and creativity to think of an alternative way of funding a socialist agenda that doesn't involve squeezing the rich and squashing business. His lack of business savvy is alarming.

But I also want a humane society that cares for the elderly and the vulnerable with kindness and dignity and I do understand that this takes money. This is where Corbyn wins my voite. I'd be happy to pay more if necessary but, again May lacks the intelligence to move away from the spreadsheet and think of more creative ways to fund this without crippling a whole section of society.

I'm like an inverted Aldi ad at the minute:

I don't like this......... but I don't like this either.....

Blair threw things into a confusion when he moved left wing politics to the centre meaning that it became much harder for us to decide who to vote for. My Mum was Labour through and through, she didn't need to read the manifesto, she was the union rep at work. Enough said. Politics was so much easier then.

I feel like we're moving back towards ideological politics which, on the one hand, means we probably no longer have to plough through boring manifesto documents to make a decision but it also means we have to compromise on some things that we have an opinion about.

I'm currently veering towards May on the basis of 'better the devil you know'. We sort of know what we're getting with May and there is talk that she'll halt the progress of Section 24 when the inevitable happens. I'm not sure Corbyn has the brains to sit and work it all out to be honest, despite his good intentions and some of the predictions around the economy if Corbyn gets in are terrifying!!


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17:12 PM, 30th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Pamela Potter" at "30/05/2017 - 16:56":

I’m like an inverted Aldi ad at the minute:

I don’t like this……… but I don’t like this either…..

A succinct and apt summary of my feelings.

Mike D

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18:15 PM, 30th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Pamela Potter" at "30/05/2017 - 16:56":

The biggest trouble with most politicians is that they are working off passionate principles and ideologies, but without any practical implementation abilities, no idea what 'cause & effect' are, so they are just implementing one sided idea's without real concept of operational delivery.
Is it any wonder that ill conceived idea's deliver such poor results and create more problems than they save, when being so blinkered about the output!!

Luk Udav

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18:38 PM, 30th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "terry sullivan" at "30/05/2017 - 13:16":

Terry: Google doesn't throw up much about unrest in Denmark, except in 1919, and I guess the perpertrators then might be capable of mowing you down with a wheelchair, but litle else.
Intelligent Protection International Ltd, whose job it is to worry people, doesn't think so either. I quote "The risk alert in Denmark is reasonably stable and safe."

Darlington Landlord

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19:28 PM, 30th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Kathy Evans" at "28/05/2017 - 23:11":

Absolutely! and they obviously have a particular image of buy to let, but when asked by the press they are all sympathising in varying degrees with the poor developing landlord apart from the Tory and Ukip candidates who are hiding.

A refreshing change from the treasury standard spiel - but then Darlington is supposed to be a marginal this election!

Gary Dully

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19:57 PM, 30th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Barry Fitzpatrick" at "30/05/2017 - 14:50":

If Corbyn was and lived from another less tolerant country he would have been put to death for treason.

He supports Hamas
He supported the IRA
He wanted to abolish the monarchy
He doesn't want to honour our war dead, ever.
He doesn't want to sing the national anthem
He hates private enterprise, if it gets bigger than a cottage industry.
He was educated in selective education, enjoyed its benefits and now wants to deny the chance of it to all future generations.
He is anti choice, unless it's what color door on your council house.
He doesn't support private enterprise
He wants to nationalize the banks.
You, as a Private a Landlord are the very personification of what's wrong with his British Society idealism.

He thinks a good long read of Karl Marx will educate the youth of today, instead of Cider with Rosie or Animal Farm.

He supports radical extremists, by suggesting that our foreign policy causes the beheading of charity van drivers, Lee Rigby's of this World and British Tourists on the beaches of Tunisia.

The man is a pathetic, dangerous idiot,who thinks the unions should play a vital role in making policy decisions.

I'm no fan of Theresa May either,

She will collapse under pressure.
She can't get a grip of anything
She won't tackle extremists, except for token gestures.
She has turned the Tory faithful into nervous apologists.
She is being directed by focus groups, that won't fix our problems.
She calls any change towards being fiscally responsible as being "a difficult decision" and then does a U turn 4 days later.

If she ran a prison they would be rioting ( oops too late)

Tim Farron
Oh my God, where do you start?
Legalize cannabis
Ignore the referendum result
1P extra on income tax
Open libraries on sundays
Now likes gay sex

Paul Nuttal
Brexit hardcore
Grammar and technical schools in each town
Ban the burka
Integrate cultures by making them integrate and don't hope for the best of intentions to work, because it doesn't and hasn't.
Free tuition fees for engineering,science and technology degrees
Life means life for prisoners
No halving of prison sentences

A leader should have uncompromising beliefs in what they believe in

The choice is clear as far as leadership goes.

Nicola Sturgeon
Paul Nuttal
Jeremy Corbyn

The bloody useless, which way is the wind blowing types are

Theresa May
Tim Farron

Theresa May will only gain her strength from ignoring instant focus groups, don't tell us their opinion, you idiot, tell us what you believe in and why?

# Vote UKIP

Chris @ Possession Friend

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21:17 PM, 1st June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "30/05/2017 - 03:05":

Watched Nuttall being interviewed on TV, I was quite impressed.

Ian Narbeth

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10:02 AM, 2nd June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "30/05/2017 - 13:22":

"If it’s true that the top 5% pay about 50% of all our tax take, what happens if they decide to go to Malta?"
Read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand to see what happens when the wealth creators go on strike. It's a bit dated and I don't go along with letting the weakest go to the wall but it's the best antidote to socialism ever.

Luk Udav

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11:31 AM, 2nd June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Ian Narbeth" at "02/06/2017 - 10:02":

a) It's not true (see e.g.
b) Malta would get rather crowded. Service workers' pay would rocket.
c) Our Dear General Secretary's rent would soar, and he doesn't deserve that.**
d) "Atlas Shrugged" is perhaps the biggest load of self-justifying piffle I've ever had the misfortune to read. (Hayek excepted.)

** I might add that I've seen hundreds of comments along the lines of "If X wins the election then I'm leaving the country". One hear of very few who actually do, so congrats to our DGS for his move to Malta. I must visit; I hear the diving off Gozo is great.


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11:55 AM, 2nd June 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Luk Udav" at "02/06/2017 - 11:31":

I was actually thinking I may have to, as a last resort. It would never be something I wanted to do, and I would not be happy about it. But with houses I am struggling to sell (forced into it in a very bad climate by S24), and a mortgaged home that I may not be able to protect (should the BTL selling not improve), I would do it as a preference to bankruptcy. Of course, it's all pie in the sky at the moment, and I cannot believe that the B word is even something that has to cross my mind. I never thought S24 could ever be a thing though - and Corbyn's land tax would finish me.

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