General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

12:30 PM, 18th April 2017, About 7 years ago 672

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We are asking all landlords to complete this Poll.

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We are also extremely interested in your views so please post comments.

For example, you may well despise what the Conservative Government has done and you may well mistrust them but will any other party be better?

If landlords vote for minor parties might this hand a win to Labour?

Do you think a coalition Government is likely, and if so between which parties?

Which party would you least prefer to be elected and why?

Could not voting hand this election to Labour?

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Whiteskifreak Surrey

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21:28 PM, 24th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Steve Hards" at "24/05/2017 - 21:11":

Steve - it does not surprises me at all. What is happening now with the Conservatives is just a turning towards communism in this country.
How it can be right that someone has been working the whole life, be careful spender and be punished for being so? In the name of fairness?
In one of my post on Tory's Manifesto I used a term 'uravnilovka' - that means all people gets the same, regardless what they did or did not (quite a simplistic explanation). Russian word, of course born in the cradle of communist revolution.
North Korea is an example of such country.

Luk Udav

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22:58 PM, 24th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Whiteskifreak Surrey" at "24/05/2017 - 21:28":

Oh come on. N Korea, all get the same? Tell that to the families there starved to death in glass boxes, whilst the Kims get caviar and western prostitutes. Have a sense of proportion. Hyperbole just loses you credibility.

Mike D

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8:52 AM, 25th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Whiteskifreak Surrey" at "23/05/2017 - 13:49":

I'm not quite sure about this Tax roll-out on Section 24, it defy's British Law on tax convention, it was introduced under false promises, and although we've started, there will be consequences i believe.
Despite a slow down in wage growth, there are still no more rentable properties, you just can't build that quickly. So i believe starting shortly, that we'll start to see large increases in rent to help pay for the 1st 25% mortgage relief, i'm guessing 8%.
Then a second rise next year, followed by a BIG increase in Tenant Evictions. I am writing to my tenants to explain why the rent will be going up, with links to to help explain it, and also, helpfully giving them the email address of their local MP so they can write and complain. I've pre emptied this by already writing to 3 MP's to explain what will happen in their constituencies.....So will be NO surprises when the complains start coming in!!
With evicts on the rise, no spare property, councils will be inundated with homelessness.....the cost of providing homes will then be 5-10 times greater than the Tenant tax raises and councils lobbying Central Government, they will have to do a u-turn and rethink....
I predict that Tenant tax will never fully get rolled out, but they may keep the 1st 25-50% of the 4 year roll-out.


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9:35 AM, 25th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mike D" at "25/05/2017 - 08:52":

You're not wrong, and well done for being so proactive. We need many many more Landlords to do this as well, unfortunately, many Landlords still aren't aware of what is about to hit them.

I've also been lobbying my Local Council through my local councillors to raise awareness of what is going to happen to homeless numbers in an effort to get them to lobby central Government. This hasn't proven fruitful as yet, my LA seems totally focussed on getting through the next financial year than planning for the next 4-5 years.

Mike D

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9:49 AM, 25th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Barry Fitzpatrick" at "25/05/2017 - 09:35":

Unfortunately, councils & governments, need a wet fish.....

untill it hits them in the face, nothing will happen.....when they have 10s of people evicted, and ques getting out of control, the premier inn full, It is only then they will start to ask the question why?
i've worked with many organisations, most are barely average, fire fighting their way out of poor performance. Proactive & vision is not only lacking, but most ideas completely misguided.
I would urge ALL Landlords to be proactive, because if YOU don't drive it, then the 'Limp Apathy of Bureaucracy' will.....And....your not going to like it!!
My letters will go out to tenant after the general election as a 1st warning, that will give them a few months to act prior to rental increases going into autumn....


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10:31 AM, 25th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mike D" at "25/05/2017 - 09:49":

Where I live there is a debate being organised attended by all the Parliamentary candidates, and I will be asking some poignant questions about s.24.

Again unless more Landlords do this, nothing will change until it's too late and the damage will be done. In Ireland where they are now in the process of repealing a similar tax, the Irish Government is now having to offer Landlords incentives to re-enter the market.

The Irish situation should give us all hope that this madness will eventually be repealed.

Whiteskifreak Surrey

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10:50 AM, 25th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Luk Udav" at "24/05/2017 - 22:58":

Luke - just to quickly reply to you. I am not writing about North Korea and everyone having the same. I am talking about communism I lived under for half of my life. Of course that elites and those who govern never have the same, like us mere mortals. The elites are not going to be stripped down to the last 100K. But believe me, at that time the differences in wealth were not that great at all for so called normal people. Then 1989 came. The rest is history.
What I am seeing here in the UK is going towards that direction I know so well. Constant talk about level playing field, fairness, controlling state etc. And I am not alone in that observation. Please see a link to today's City a.m.
This is exactly that, expanding of the state - see a photo of our Supreme Leader and what the subtitle says.

Steve Hards

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12:14 PM, 25th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Whiteskifreak Surrey" at "25/05/2017 - 10:50":

"Reply to the comment left by “Luk Udav” at “24/05/2017 – 22:58“:
Luke – just to quickly reply to you. I am not writing about North Korea and everyone having the same..."

Agreed, Whiteskifreak - My post wan't about N. Korea as such, I was just pointing out that governments do not need to pass laws about property ownership or the PRS directly when they have a tax system they can manipulate to achieve the same ends - and no one notices except those immediately affected.

Luk Udav

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18:23 PM, 26th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Whiteskifreak Surrey" at "25/05/2017 - 10:50":

1. Graeme Leach is an extreme right wing economist, affiliated with the IEA . He and his little gang are fixated on the small state, despite the fact that The Spirit Level shows **with evidence, not Hayekian anti-empircal nonsense** that larger states - up to some point - make people happier. (I certainly would prefer to live in Denmark were I not too old to learn the language.)

2. The subtitle "Theresa May has been called a "Red Tory" for her interventionist ideas " is Daily Mail-style "journalism". I'm sure she's been called many things, that doesn't make what she's called true.

3. It's clear that if landlords want to profit maximise they certainly should not support reduced immigration. More people -> higher demand for homes -> higher rents. (Economics GCSE lecture 1). If you accept this but don't like the corollary that you should have open borders, then you must admit that profit maximisation isn't your only criterion. So Leach is wrong: QED.

4. I think we all agree that N Korea is a ghastly kleptocracy/autocracy. It probably has the worst Gini Index in the world. I don't know if it's the unhappiest country, but if you tried to measure it you'd end up in front of an antiaircraft gun.

5. S.24 is a monstrosity. Indeed the tax system and the welfare system can and are used to effect change to many things. Doing things retroactively is never justified. Even Osborne didn't cut family allowances last time for those already having 3 children. (Mind you, he did for the children I adopted since I make over the clawback threshold.)

Rob Crawford

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8:40 AM, 27th May 2017, About 7 years ago

The 118 poll results to date I find a little alarming. It suggests that landlords do not realise that all four parties have similar policies against landlords. In fact labour are also threatening rent capping. There is also a "bigger" picture. The proposed increased business taxation will see large businesses leave the UK. This will include the loss of foreign companies such as Nissan etc. RR & BAE Systems will move to the USA etc etc. How will this improve employment? Then we have Brexit - do labour voters really think Corbyn can negotiate this? Yes, I am pissed off as a landlord with the Conservatives but come on!!

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