General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

General Election 8th June – Who on earth do landlords vote for?

12:30 PM, 18th April 2017, About 7 years ago 672

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We are asking all landlords to complete this Poll.

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We are also extremely interested in your views so please post comments.

For example, you may well despise what the Conservative Government has done and you may well mistrust them but will any other party be better?

If landlords vote for minor parties might this hand a win to Labour?

Do you think a coalition Government is likely, and if so between which parties?

Which party would you least prefer to be elected and why?

Could not voting hand this election to Labour?

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Chris @ Possession Friend

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21:57 PM, 11th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Whiteskifreak Surrey" at "10/05/2017 - 14:34":

2 % !!!!!! - WHY / should landlords pay anything to the Government Tax coffers, over and above what other businesses pay ( I thought that was the main tenet of our argument Against Sec 24.

Seems like were asking to be shot, instead of hung !

Whiteskifreak Surrey

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22:04 PM, 11th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Chris Daniel" at "11/05/2017 - 21:57":

Chris - I am not saying we should. I simply replied to Pam's comment, just pointing out the fact she was recalling / searching for.

However I agree with some people here that it would create the favourite 'level playing field' for everyone who is in Home Providing business. On the other hand - as I already mentioned - the government will be free to increase these 2% exponentially. At least for everyone, whereas S24 attacks only LLs with mortgages.

Gary Dully

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15:30 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

I have today looked at the reaction to Jeremy Corbyn's manifesto and I see "Trouble in Mill".

What is it about the average Labour supporter that thinks that the World offers you freebies, at somebody else's expense?

What is it about the average Conservative Leader that thinks that she can be the leader of everybody with a different opinion to her beliefs?

I remember the days of Dennis Healey and the IMF having to bail the country out.

Labour politicians answer to everything is, if we tax those with the broadest shoulders just a little bit more, the World will rejoice at our cleverness!


Well yes, in the very short term everything will be just dandy, until its time to repay what you have borrowed to "invest" in our public services.

Hey everybody, Break in to next door for me and give me your neighbours credit card and PIN number and I will use it to bring wonders to your dining table.

£50 Billion should be a good start. (Easy Peasy)
then £93 Billion more, as I decide to not change the retirement age.
Lets see if I can invest more borrowed money in our majestic public services.

You see the money markets are lending me at an introductory promotional rate of 0.5% on all balance transfers and I expect that never to end.

Here are my goodies that I can bring you, with my magic socialist red book.

I will nationalise you a train set, never again will a nationalised train run late or be overcrowded.
I will scrap Trident, sorry maybe I just will promise never to use it.
I will not have any Tuesday meetings with Liz, she is an anachronism
I will abolish the 3 armed services and make it combined.
I will borrow, I mean invest, for the NHS a few billion more, each year.
I will pay for tuition fees for you and your friends kids, despite mine not going to university.
I will give you all free prescriptions
I will give you all Free Child Care
I will re-nationalise the Energy companies
I will re-nationalise the Water companies
I want all people on benefits to have a benefits rise, but not private landlords.
I will abolish food banks, never again will the poor be given free food.
I will give you all a pay rise, unless you earn £80,000+
I will take you back to the Golden era of the 1950's when private enterprise was a mere pimple on the backside of our glorious socialist plan.
Any inflation will be the banks fault, not mine.
I will tax those that actually produce business profit with extra Corporation Tax at say 37% for starters.
I will slap VAT on private schools and medical costs if you dare go private.
You will all be getting a council house, with an affordable rent, but I will sleep in house I already have, because I'm special.

You can send your kids to any school you like, so long as its state run.

It will be like Scandinavia, it works there, and as for Brexit - well that was a mistake, we will stay in the Single Market, regardless.

God, I'm so progressive it hurts!


Sam Addison

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16:44 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

You can make some fantastic promises if you are not going to win so never have to carry them out!

Cautious Landlord

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16:51 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Funny that Gary I was talking along those lines with my dad only today. I'm sick to death of hearing how hard up the NHS is, the poor old education system, under paid firemen, hard up teachers, councils with no money. Wake up everyone. If you are in the private sector you earn money and contribute. If you are in the public sector you spend that money. Money does not grow on trees it is made in the private sector and squandered in the poorly run public sector. We do of course need teachers, nurses, doctors, firemen etc but it is the private sector that pays for them. Each government including the current faux tories think it is ok to keep hitting the same people who pay for this stuff month in month out - another 1% here, another 1% there. Well it is not ok. How much more blood do the public sector want out of our private sector stone ? How about running any of these organisations properly, efficiently, with ruthless private sector vigour instead of the constant moaning 'we're underfunded, austerity, blah, blah' - makes me sick. That numptie Vince Cable has risen from the dead and was on my TV the other day saying unemployment was now under control - it's not. It's 1.5 million lazy people that the public sector are keeping in cider, big tellies and vapes.

Monty Bodkin

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17:32 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Gary Dully" at "16/05/2017 - 15:30":

I agree with your sentiment, but;

It is "trouble at t'mill" a northern expression from the days of disputes between mill owners and workers, not "trouble in mill" which makes no sense at all.

Scandinavia is not restricted to just socialist Sweden.

UKIP- Job done, their one policy achieved, time to move on.

Luk Udav

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17:53 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Cautious Landlord" at "16/05/2017 - 16:51":

"ruthless private sector vigour"! - you must be joking. When I worked in the private sector it was unusual to see more than about 2 effective hours out of anyone.
"ruthless private sector vigour": I recently had to have two operations done, one NHS, one private. I can tell you at which establishment the nurses worked harder. And it wasn't the "ruthless private sector" one.

We live in a service economy after the Tories killed manufacturing. If you really think services don't contribute to the economy then I despair. I had hoped that the "private good, public bad" mantra had been consigned to history. Or the Daily Mail.

Chris @ Possession Friend

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19:40 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Cautious Landlord" at "16/05/2017 - 16:51":

your so right ( my stomach is still aching with laughter though 😉
I was just taking with my partner about some Doley bums we know.
They worked out that by keeping on to the Doctor about their naughty, untrained, spolied off-spring, they've managed to get an ADHT benefit & an extra £250 a month.
We would just like to know, what do you spend that on with a naughty kid ( is it £250 worth in ToysRus to spoil them some more ?

Stephen Lesley

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20:21 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

For me most likely Conservative.

I'm assuming neither party will reverse Section 24. That being the case, do I want a 3 year tenancy with capped rent increases?
I started to increase my rents as soon as the change was announced and thankfully, by comparison, my rents are on the low side so when tenants compare they know they still have decent rent (and hopefully a fair landlord).

I only hope they don't vote for the party who wants to introduce 3 year tenancies and capped rent increases!


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20:24 PM, 16th May 2017, About 7 years ago

Real dilemma now as UKIP have decided not to put up a candidate in my constituency. So the choice will be Con, Lab, LibDem or Green talk about Hobson's choice.

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