Gas boiler ban dropped but homes could still be forced to switch to heat pumps

Gas boiler ban dropped but homes could still be forced to switch to heat pumps

10:03 AM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago 33

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Plans to ban new gas boilers by 2035 will be scrapped, but nearly all homes must install a heat pump.

According to the i newspaper, a ban on gas boilers being installed in newly built homes will be confirmed later this year, taking effect before the end of the decade.

However, the rule that would have stopped people from replacing their old gas boilers with new ones after 2035 has been dropped.

Despite this, the government has confirmed that nearly all homes will eventually need to install a heat pump instead of a gas boiler, a change that could cost homeowners and landlords thousands of pounds.

1% of homes in the UK currently use a heat pump

Only 1% of homes in the UK currently use a heat pump, with 58% mainly using gas central heating and 24% using an electric heating device, according to the i newspaper.

Heat pumps are expensive to install, and while the government is pushing hard for their adoption, analysis shows they don’t always lead to better EPC ratings and can result in much higher running costs.

Data from the energy efficiency platform epIMS shows that the estimated annual bill for heating and hot water with a ground source heat pump is £806 – only £9 less than a traditional gas boiler. Heating a home with an air source heat pump will cost £1,001 a year, on average.

£7,500 subsidy for heat pumps

The Labour government claim heat pumps can save people money, despite many older homes being unsuitable unless they undergo costly renovation.

The government has promised to extend a £7,500 subsidy for those prepared to switch to heat pumps.

However, the government has declined to comment ahead of the publication of its “warm homes plan”, which will offer new details on how the move to low-carbon heating methods can be achieved.

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10:50 AM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

Absolutely the right decision, the ban for new builds is already in place this year to ‘27. But banning replacements on the existing gas makes no sense since the network is gearing up for hydrogen transition.

The government should not tell developers what technologies to use for new builds, just set the targets and let the designers find the right solutions. Heat pumps are not the only options.

Desert Rat

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12:18 PM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

Pleased to hear that the ban has been dropped. I've no intention of switching to heat pumps.

They would probably be stolen with a week of installing them.

Dylan Morris

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14:47 PM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

It’s outrageous the taxpayer having to p@ss £7,500 up the wall for every heat pump installed. No wonder the country is approaching £3 trillion in debt. Just another useless solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Disillusioned Landlord

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16:08 PM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

Heat pumps in 100 year old terraced houses? That’s just madness, yet it’s a large proportion of rental properties in the uk.

David Lawrenson

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16:21 PM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

Reply to the comment left by Dylan Morris at 06/01/2025 - 14:47
For the word "subsidy" insert the word "taxpayer hard earned cash".
For "net zero" or "climate change" insert the word "latest cult".

John Gelmini

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19:01 PM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

80% of people with current accounts have less than £500 gbp in their bank accounts at any one time ( Source : GE Money Surveys of 1990 and 2017).
This for many owners of old housing stock heat pumps plus insulation ,plus radiators will cost far more than they can afford in the push to nett zero.
We now have 1.4% power capacity over peak demand and need 3 large nuclear power stations each of which takes 15 years ( 3 Parliaments ) to build.
This need cannot be met because there isn't the money,renewables only supply intermittent power.
There is a shortage of heat pump installers to install the heat pumps and Labour is unlikely to be re elected in 2029 so these proposals are dead in the water.


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20:20 PM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

Reply to the comment left by Dylan Morris at 06/01/2025 - 14:47
if they used some of the £11.6bn they have promised in overseas climate aid, we could all have them for free!


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22:01 PM, 6th January 2025, About a month ago

This is all very academic. Labour WONT be in power in 2035. At this rate they wont be in charge in 2029 so EPCs is also a bit pointless to sweat about.

Disgrunteld Landlady

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6:01 AM, 7th January 2025, About a month ago

Reply to the comment left by David Lawrenson at 06/01/2025 - 16:21
What, you don't believe in climate change? Even with all the floods, fires, changing temperatures around you. Go to Wikipedia and look up Exxon Mobil.. Climate change denial section " In 2023, Science journal published a paper reporting that the global warming projections and models created by ExxonMobil's own scientists between 1977 and 2003 had "accurately" projected and "skillfully" modeled global warming due to fossil fuel burning, and had reasonably estimated how much CO2 would lead to dangerous warming. The authors of the paper concluded: "Yet, whereas academic and government scientists worked to communicate what they knew to the public, ExxonMobil worked to deny it " they spent millions on confusion. Would you still doubt a fossil fuel company who did the research themselves?

John Gelmini

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7:13 AM, 7th January 2025, About a month ago

Not at all.
Professor Richard S Lindzen of MIT the top atmospheric scientist in the world does not believe in "Climate Change" and a careful reading of each of the IPCC reports shows that each alarming scenario( they are not predictions) is preceded by the word "if".
This as in "If" global sea temperatures rise by X or Y degrees then climate catastrophe follows etc.
Professor Irena Zharvove of Northumbria University has clearly shown that far from warming that we are in the "Grand Solar Minimum " a natural sun cycle of minimum activity which happens every 200 to 300 years.
The last one occurred during the time of Charles Dickens the novelist when it was possible to drive a fully laden coach and horses across the river Thames which was frozen over with very thick ice.
This Grand Solar Minimum or " Maunder Minimum " will not end until 2055,30 years from today.
The various forest fires we have seen in Australia and places like Greece and Essex were caused by a combination of arson and Eucalyptus trees full of gas being too close to houses as a result of zoning laws not being followed with houses too close to rain forests.
The Essex fires were caused by sparks from chineyvues used by East End people barbecuing too close to the Essex border.
In addition we have the American and Russian militaries interfering with the weather which they have been doing since before 1973 when it was used to extend the monsoon season by 3 months over the Ho Chi Minh trail over North Vietnam( Project Stormfury)
The USAAF paper " Owning the weather Full Spectrum Dominance" and " Weather as a Force Multiplier in 2025" dated August 1996 by Colonel Tammy J House,Ltd Colonel James BNear Jr and 5 more military people including LTC William B Shields is instructive.
In short we are being sold a puppy whereby "Climate Change" is being sold to us as a means to impose higher taxes to control a nonexistent problem.

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