Extremely rigorous tenant screening, insurance and total protection?

Extremely rigorous tenant screening, insurance and total protection?

9:03 AM, 21st March 2024, About 6 months ago 7

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The title speaks for itself. Unfortunately, it has taken a year to the day exactly to evict non-paying tenants. This is the first time in 30 years I’ve had any issues, but it has now made me concerned that my experience could happen again.

I want to be as protected as I possibly can be if God forbid I ever end up like this again. I am looking for rock-solid rent protection, legal fee cover, the strictest possible vetting and tenant referencing AND a guarantor if everything else goes pear-shaped.

Is the above realistic or is it just a pipe dream? Can landlords really completely protect themselves from bad tenants if they won’t pay, won’t leave or damage the property?

Thanks all


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Cider Drinker

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9:46 AM, 21st March 2024, About 6 months ago

There will always be some latent risk regardless of the mitigation measures you set in place. Mitigation comes at a cost.

Insurers exist to make money.

If the risks, including non-payment of rent, are unbearable, maybe the PRS isn’t a suitable investment for you. Perhaps bonds would be more appropriate.

Jason McClean - The Home Insurer

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10:00 AM, 21st March 2024, About 6 months ago

Hi Tony

We do not sell Rent Guarantee Insurance as we have deemed it a worthless product given prior experience.

There may be an insurance out there that you can get that is worth its weight. If you find it, do let us know.

Apart from the insurance route, using reputable agents who vet properly is your best defence.

Hope this helps in some way.




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13:46 PM, 21st March 2024, About 6 months ago

I have a terrible run of tenants.
Homelet have always paid out.
Currently for one tennant they have paid out for a year. (Still waiting court date).

They even renewed the policy while paying out, WIth the rent increase listed on the tenancy.

Michael Booth

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9:07 AM, 22nd March 2024, About 6 months ago

Just written off £500 owed rent , tenant left owing it after promise after promise to pay not worth the hassle . ,

Jim K

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15:10 PM, 22nd March 2024, About 6 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Michael Booth at 22/03/2024 - 09:07Frankly you got away cheaply.
There are many worse.
A Money Claim on Line claim leading inevitably to a CCJ helps fellow LL.
Given the small amount (compared to challenge of having an undischarged CCJ) it may even encourage payment by former T.


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12:33 PM, 23rd March 2024, About 6 months ago

Insist on a home owning working guarantor.


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17:02 PM, 23rd March 2024, About 6 months ago

Going forward, I would cherry pick tenants. Ensure they're in secure jobs (if there's such a thing!), insist on a UK based guarantor as well who earns 3 X monthly rent. This gives you better protections in the event of no payment of rent. Conduct fully comprehensive referencing on both tenants and guarantor. If they don't pass, do not accept. If they do pass opt for rent guarantee insurance (RGI) with tenant eviction legal cover (cost circa. £220 per annum up to £25K rent/year). You will only be offered RGI if your candidates pass the referencing. Keep in regular contact with the tenants and conduct period inspections without being too much of a nuisance to them. Treat your tenants with respect if they're respectful to you. Never, ever treat them as friends or mates and never accept lunch/dinner/drinks or even a cup of tea if you visit them Treat all tenants as would with any other "Bricks and mortar" customers. The above is not 100% fail-safe, but it may just put you in a better position than previously. This is exactly what I do and how I operate my BTL business and so far thank God, it's working! Good luck!

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