Evicted Tenant Returning to Property

Evicted Tenant Returning to Property

15:32 PM, 5th December 2014, About 10 years ago 7

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Our previous tenant was evicted back in 11th October 2014 for non-payment of rent leaving four thousand pounds repair bill, and no forwarding address. The property was repaired and a new tenant moved in 22nd September. The new tenant has just informed me that the previous tenant has visited the property demanding their letters, and subsequently returned early one morning banging on the front door again demanding their letters. Since the previous tenant was evicted, all their letters have been returned to sender with a note included that the addressee was no longer residing at this address, and that there was no known address. Evicted Tenant Returning to Property

My question is, is it not part of the eviction notice that the tenant does not return to the address?

I have notified the new tenant that if the previous tenant returns, they should leave their new address so that any further letters can be forward to them. Alternatively, they could go to the post office and request that any letters with their name on can be redirected.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated?


Ian Brand

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15:37 PM, 5th December 2014, About 10 years ago

Hi Ian

Having never encountered this problem I'm far from being an expert. However, I would have thought it possible for an injunction to be raised if he becomes a perpetual nuisance.

It will be interesting to read what our more legally minded members have to say about this, I've invited a few to comment.

Romain Garcin

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16:34 PM, 5th December 2014, About 10 years ago

On legal terms this has nothing to do with the eviction, or you.
If the current tenant feels he is being harassed or threatened he should contact the police.

In the meantime they can indeed suggest to the previous tenant to have his mail redirected.


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18:58 PM, 5th December 2014, About 10 years ago

How would he go about getting an injunction against his former tenant, what basis, harrassment??

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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20:56 PM, 5th December 2014, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "AA Properties Wales " at "05/12/2014 - 18:58":

I think it would have to be the new tenant who got the injunction based on harassment, but the landlord could help, i.e. attend a meeting with the Police, make initial contact etc.

Mick Roberts

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8:36 AM, 6th December 2014, About 10 years ago

I’ve had this before. Oooh & people will slate me down that has no experience, yet if it’s happened to me, how can they talk? Der....

Sorry, anyway, yes my Solicitor said just got to phone the Police.
Police said as long as not causing a nuisance, not a lot they can do. New tenant has to ring Police & report if gets more serious.
And my eviction was messy, Police being called etc. But once eviction was done, my solicitor, the Police, the Housing Aid she wanted a house from, they all said any events after the eviction was totally new matters & they din’t really want to know about the past & not wanna ‘know till it gets serious.

All BankersAreBarstewards Smith

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14:38 PM, 6th December 2014, About 10 years ago

How about writing a letter to the ex tenant and leaving it with the current tenant to give to them the next time they call .... saying "redirection of your mail is entirely down to you, and you need to go to the post office and pay for redirection. Your abusive and threatening behaviour to my current tenant has been reported to the police, logged and may form evidence for any future action taken against you should you not stop harassing my current tenant. "

Hopefully this takes the pressure off your tenant as it seems to imply that it is you the landlord who has taken the action....

Joe Bloggs

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1:27 AM, 9th December 2014, About 10 years ago

allowing persons of unknown address to collect post could be part of a credit card fraud or suchlike.

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