EU Referendum – Landlords Reactions

EU Referendum – Landlords Reactions

9:45 AM, 24th June 2016, About 8 years ago 67

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EU Referendum - Landlords Reactions


At 22:30 on 22nd June 2016 we launched an EU Referendum Poll to see which way Landlords would be voting. The Poll confirmed that Landlords reading Property118 would be voting Brexit and as we now know, that is what happened. Interestingly, prior to the result being known, a greater percentage of landlords who took part in the Poll advised they would vote Brexit than the Nation did generally. Our Poll result just before midnight on the 23rd was 59% in favour of Brexit. We have left the Poll open to see if this changes.

Judging by social media generally it is likely that quite a few of our members will want to comment on why they voted the way they did and to debate what the outcome will mean to property investment in the UK. The debate rages in the comments section below.

If you haven’t already done so you can still cast complete our Poll. We added a name and email field so that we can send you an email with the final results of our poll when when we eventually decide to close it. Your information will remain confidential.

We are particularly keen to understand what landlords believe the impact will be on the UK property market.

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Steve Lillington

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9:47 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

Like many (maybe the majority) I`ve felt undecided about how to vote but I fundamentally believe in the original concept of the EEC as a natural trading community allied to a sensible geography. The main problem for me is the feeling of total detachment from the EU as a governing body with what seems to be the shrinking value of our vote and opinion amongst so many others. Looking at the electorate of other Euro members states, especially the founder member ones like ourselves there appears to be a similar feeling amongst them too. The direction the EU seems to be taking is not one I`m happy with and I still find it hard to understand how all of the diverse economies and cultures can all follow the same lead, you have only got to look at the Euro to see that. How can 2 countries like Germany and Greece have the same currency and economic policy? It`s simply not working, ask the Greeks.
Basically we are all different with different needs. Like many empires before them who grew above and beyond there limits the EU is not forever. It seems that the bandwagon is well and truly running in the wrong direction and our influence is 1/27 and diminishing - So I`m out.

Mandy Thomson

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9:54 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

I've already submitted my vote via postal ballot, and voted "leave"; my reasoning being the EU is an ill thought out, badly run organisation that is trying to impose unworkable one size fits all strategies on to countries with different economies, cultures and social norms.

For example, the freedom to work in other EU countries. We all know that doesn't work both ways - it's not a fair exchange, because as an English speaking people, it is hard for us British to learn or maintain fluency in other languages, whereas as our European neighbours have the advantage over us with their ready command of English, giving them the option to live and work in the UK and Ireland, while it is much harder for us to live in their countries. The only large group of British who live in another EU country that I can think of are retired expats living in Spain. As they're not working, they can get away with limited Spanish.

However, I do believe there are many arguments to remain, mostly being the impact on the economy, but if we are to remain, we need a much greater say in how the EU is run.


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9:54 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

As someone who has invested in and developed property over 30 years, I would perceive myself and others like me to be inherent risk takers, and have seen the market go up and down several times. Yes, in the event of a Leave vote, there will be a level of instability, uncertainty and possible price drop. However, in the longer term, 5 to 10 years and beyond, these fluctuations will iron themselves out as before. Does anyone really think that our supply of fresh east european migrants will die down, even if whatever model you have is solely based on those applicants? In the event of a narrow victory, parliament will be required to act, and given the bias amongst MPs in favour of staying, that is not obvious - and even then, I foresee years of negotiation as a series of compromises and fudges is committed as the EU is terrified of a break up, notwithstanding Holland and other states wishing to leave and a good proportion of Italy wishing to ditch the Euro. However, in spite of my misgivings of the actual mechanics of Leave, let us be brave 'Be British'! Do were really want to have our affairs to a good part dictated by a cabal of 28 commissioners whose mostly socialist interventionist policies are rubber stamped by the MEPs? Do we want to be part of a failing political experiment whose bloated bureaucracy will ultimately, like the ancient Roman, collapse under it's own weight.Our economy will thrive after the initial hiccup. Our trade with Europe is declining (and even then given the imbalance, there is no question of 'Euro tariffs) , let us face outward like our forefathers and trade everywhere and have self belief. I'll stop going on apart from saying that to claim that The EU has 'kept the peace in Europe' is a misnomer. Nato has done that, since 1948, long before the EU. The EU was useless in the Balkan Wars and it's weakness helped forment it until NATO and the Americans took action. EU policy in the Ukraine was not exactly useful, and as for EU army facing up to Russia? a joke.

john matthews

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10:00 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

Brexit would thwart the unwanted ambitions of the Eu and Osbourne , restoring sovereignty and fairer budgets . ( elaboration would take too much space ! )

LondonProperty1 L

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10:40 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Paul Shears" at "23/06/2016 - 06:30":

"Then think about the far greater incompatibility of inferior cultures imposing their values on superior cultures without any hope of assimilation due to the sheer numbers involved and the time scales involved."

Inferior cultures? Superiod cultures? Are you feeling so superior? And why so? Hitler also felt superior versus Jews. Seriously, this campaign has gone far beyond its key merit. People vent all the frustrations that they have (unpaid tenant rents from landlords, queues in NHS from those who are ill, low pay from those ... on low pay, lack of public services from those who use them) on the EU and think that these issues will magically dissapear once they vote to leave!

Voting to leave doesn't even mean the UK will leave! Indeed, it likely won't, but it will put this country 2 years behind much like Greece last year. Giving vote to the general public was such a terrible idea (voting "leave" because an eu immigrant had unpaid rent - sic!).

LondonProperty1 L

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10:51 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mandy Thomson" at "23/06/2016 - 09:54":

Mandy, let me simplify the economics for you... In the past (long time ago) countries like Britain thrived because of colonialism. Cheap/slave labour, extraction of foreign resources. No other reason! Britain is not superior to others in any way, nor is the US or anybody else. Portugal has also thrived back in the day from colonialism.

These days the modern colonialism and "slavery" is completed through immigration. Those people come here and work much harder than locals would (please see statistics where immigrants from the EU contribute £1.3 for each £1 they cost, and those from the Eastern Europe contribute £1.64 for each £1 they cost) for lower salaries.

The reason why Germany is letting refugees is in because they have demographical shortage of labour coming up in not so distant future. They know that cheap labour will maintain the engine growth and allow Germans to keep their high pensions (supported by taxes from those hard working immigrants - much like they support Britain right now).

In any case, glad to see this forum as I was of an impression that British landlords belong to that more educated group of people who can distinguish facts from fiction.

If someone would like to respond to this - please only respond with a CLEAR PLAN IN CASE OF VOTE LEAVE. Nothing else. I would love to finally see it!


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11:48 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

The latest statistics for population numbers in the UK presently stands at 65 million. And counting. David Cameron has yet to provide a cogent resolution to migration, welfare, Turkey or trade migration - and independent research indicates that trade outside the EU is booming in the UK. Why would the UK vote to remain under the subjugation of Germany and Brussels, especially in lieu of the fact that 19 of the 26 EU countries are in serious financial trouble. Italy is fast emulating Greece and no doubt Spain will soon follow. Germany not only holds the purse strings tightly in it's iron fist, it also enjoys the highest success of all EU members.
Do the maths voters. How much longer are you prepared to continue funding a defunct EU system?
A BREXIT vote today is not only a vote for independence but a vote against being taking gross advantage of by an insider cabal of the elite.
The EU is a bully by any other name.
The Swiss have understood this. The UK needs to ..NOW.

Paul Shears

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11:52 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

Please read my post again and follow the advice. This whole matter is far too complex to dumb down into a few sound bites.
None of the analogies you draw are argumentative responses to my post.

Neil Patterson

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11:56 AM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

Regardless of the outcome and how individuals voted we need to come together and make the decision work as economics is a self fulfilling prophecy 🙂

Simon M

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12:29 PM, 23rd June 2016, About 8 years ago

All my properties are let to migrants because that reflects local demand. So personally, leaving might be a risk. However, small business and entrepreneurs drive growth in the economy - big business and big government stifle it. The private rented sector is a good example - we're all entrepreneurs to varying degrees, prepared to risk our money to build a better life for ourselves, our families - and tenants. Remain is equally risky - we won't be able to avoid being dragged into more centralisation. So I've voted Leave.

Also joined the Conservative Party in case there's a leadership election and George Osborne is in the running.

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