Dramatic rise in rent arrears amid cost-of-living crisis

Dramatic rise in rent arrears amid cost-of-living crisis

0:02 AM, 28th June 2024, About 3 days ago 3

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Demand for rent arrears advice has dramatically increased in Scotland, according to new research.

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) reveals a 53% increase in demand for rent arrears advice in social housing.

The Scottish government and six other councils in Scotland recently declared a housing emergency.

Protections for tenants

Citizens Advice Scotland has also seen an increase in demand for advice around local authority rent arrears in the past year, with a 51% increase.

Data from the charity shows a rising number of people falling into housing debt as a result of the cost-of-living and energy crises.

CAS Social Justice spokesperson Aoife Deery says the Scottish government must do more to tackle the housing emergency.

She said: “These increases in rent arrears advice are shocking.

“At the same time the Scottish government have declared a ‘Housing Emergency’ our data shows more people are struggling with the affordability of housing and more people are falling into housing debt.

“The result of this debt can have a devastating impact on people. We often see people who need help with housing issues also needing help with benefits, utilities, and other types of debt.

“The Scottish government has introduced the Housing Bill this parliament. We welcome the Bill and the protections it will bring for tenants. However, we need action on affordable housing.”

According to Scottish government figures, housebuilding has plummeted since rent controls were introduced.

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Cider Drinker

9:08 AM, 28th June 2024, About 2 days ago

When Labour take control and make severe rent arrears a discretionary ground for possession, rent arrears will rocket.

Brace yourselves, the lunatics are taking over the asylum.

Paul Essex

12:55 PM, 30th June 2024, About 4 hours ago

Note that the story refers to Social Housing arrears, the majority are on benefits so I wonder what advice CAB are giving them?
I suspect it's not give up alcohol or smoking.


17:13 PM, 30th June 2024, Less than a minute ago

For sure if we let Labour take control and rent arrears become a discretionary ground the CAB will give tenants all the advice and help they need.
However although they are called Citizens advice they no longer give advice to landlords even though we are citizens.

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