Does requiring landlords to publish their address breach the Human Rights Act 1998?

Does requiring landlords to publish their address breach the Human Rights Act 1998?

0:01 AM, 14th October 2024, About 11 hours ago 2

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The requirement for landlords to have their home address on a proposed public register, even if having a letting/managing agent, could be argued as a breach of Article 8 HRA 1998. ie – the right to respect for family and private life, home and correspondence. But only IF a court ruled that a landlord should have Article 8 as an absolute right and not a qualified right as the right to live your life with privacy and without interference by the state currently is.

As a qualified right Article 8 is being used by the RRB to discriminate against PRS landlords in favour of tenants and importantly members of the public who may, or may not be, prospective tenants.

It was bad enough having my address given to some tenants, s47-48 HA who became verbally abusive and threatening but to never be able to be removed from this register, even when no longer a landlord, is unjustifiable and I believe a breach of Article 8.

Many in society believe, rightly or wrongly, that ALL landlords are rich and some could use the proposed database to target for burglary; ethnic discrimination; some for grudges in general against landlords etc.

The final straw on this woman’s back and has more than confirmed my decision to vacate the PRS when the last government tried to introduce the RRB.

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11:20 AM, 14th October 2024, Less than a minute ago

I totally agree with this sentiment.
I always naively had my home address on TAs when I started until I had very threatening phone call. Fortunately the tenant in question had a distinct lack of smarts and left it as an answerphone message.
Police involved and since then I have moved house ( not because of that). So it doesn't worry me now.
I have a PO box which goes as landlords address now.
If I am forced to record my home address on a public register I think I would offload my portfolio immediately.
More unintended consequences from the RRB.


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12:05 PM, 14th October 2024, Less than a minute ago

I was told by the NRLA that I had to have my home address on TA's unless I was incorporated. I wasn't happy about this as some of my properties were very close to my home. One tenant turned up at my door which was disturbing.

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