Over-crowding issue – Tenant Has 3 Kids In One Room

Over-crowding issue – Tenant Has 3 Kids In One Room

9:35 AM, 23rd November 2014, About 10 years ago 34

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I have a tenant who has been renting one room from me since September, she had one kid who is aged under 4 living with her… which I knew about.

Over-crowding issue - Tenant Has 3 Kids In One Room

In the last 3 days I have seen two more kids in the house. I presumed they were her guests or something (visiting), so I asked her who they were today. She said they were her children, who have just come from Africa – to stay with her permanently!

One kid is 15 the other is maybe 8.

This cant be right, 3 children in a room, including her 4.

What do I do?

Do I have to contact social services?

I don’t want to get in trouble for overcrowding.


Neil Cooper

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9:28 AM, 29th November 2014, About 10 years ago

The section 8 for unpaid rent is worth persuing, plus have you thought about checking right to reside status. Have they all got UK passports or do they require visa's.

Jonathan Clarke

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10:27 AM, 29th November 2014, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Neil Cooper" at "25/11/2014 - 18:29":

This is good. You are now working with the tenant towards your respective goals and ultimately for the health and well being of the children who have no voice. The tone is fine but i would include more specifics. Preempt their next move. This is what the council will look at and will determine where their legal obligations lie. So try to help them solve this problem by giving them the information they require to make a decision

1) Put in the names dates of births and sex of all who now live there. There are rules governing at when different age/ sex can share and where they have to be separated. Nationality . The rules are slightly different for step children. Have they got the same father

2) Also put details of the actual physical measurement of the room sizes they have available to them. There are regulations governing rooms sizes.

3) Put specific dates when they moved there and give a specific date say 10 working days in which you want a response from the council

4) I would do a letter to her but also send a similar mirror copy to social services and the police. You could say if you get no response in the timeline you have given and as you are concerned about the legal repercussions on you, you reluctantly will be forced to lodge a formal complaint and upgrade your circulation list to include your local MP / your solicitor / immigration office / the chief execs office and the local press. This tends to sharpen the councils focus in their no doubt already overflowing in tray and moves it up the pile.

The tenant might not take your letter to the council and just be playing for time. So be transparent with all parties and circulate to the statutory bodies who have a legal duty to act. A 10 day deadline is not unreasonable to get some concrete answers as to the way forward. If not these matters will just drift.

I have a similar situation at the moment as i have in the past where I in effect legitimately collude with the tenant for our own respective needs. Its unfortunate but you have to sometimes treat the public sector statutory bodies like your own children. Set them boundaries set them a task. Be firm but fair. If they dont respond how they ought to they will be punished but if they respond favorably they will be praised. Carrot and stick approach. Good Luck

Dr Rosalind Beck

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8:07 AM, 30th November 2014, About 10 years ago

Excellent comment Jonathon. I would add that proofs of postage should be obtained because as you say you have to treat the councils and other authorities in a certain way - and not be allowed to say they didn't receive the letters.

John walker

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17:31 PM, 1st December 2014, About 10 years ago

I would also contact the Environmental Health Department, stating the case and your concerns, with copies to Housing Dept. and police, as others have mentioned. Ask for written replies to your letters in order to alleviate your concerns, giving them say three weeks to respond.

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