Condensation Issue – Any effective solution? HELP!

Condensation Issue – Any effective solution? HELP!

0:01 AM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago 9

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Hello, there’s condensation in our newly refurbished property. There’s water dripping from the walls and the windows are all wet in the bedrooms.

We are looking for an effective solution as am not sure what to do that will work.

Does anyone know a trial and tested cost-effective solution they can recommend that could fix this? We’ve just had tenants moved in and it can’t be a good experience for them so we want to resolve this ASAP.

We’ve suggested they let fresh air into the property but one can’t be so sure how often they do that or whether they do at all especially with it being in the winter season.

I look forward to hearing from you all,


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Easy rider

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10:31 AM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

A good quality dehumidifier will really help. Modern homes are often ‘sweat boxes’ that have little ventilation.
Provide advice on condensation to your tenants. Simple measures such as the following will help…
- opening doors and windows for 30 minutes, once per day
- using lids on pans,
- adding a little cold water to the bath before running the hot tap,
- making sure the bathroom fan is switched on,
- keeping the bathroom door closed during and after use
- not drying clothes on radiators,
- ensure tumble driers are properly vented will help

Tim Rogers

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10:58 AM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

Short term a de-humidifier.
Longer term, I have had excellent results with Passyfier vents, which are passive and use no power source. I source these from the condensation shop who I find very helpful with advice etc. The vents come in various sizes, I tend to opt for the 100mm ones


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11:09 AM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

I've implemented Envirovent products in a number of properties and these have made a substantial improvement. Bathroom fans that constantly circulate and then boost themselves when the humidity goes up. Also units that dehumidify the whole apartment. Also tried to educate tenants on best practice with water generation, ventilcation and heat settings and that's the challenging bit. I once lived in a house in Glasgow that was built in the 1950s and at that time the windows were single glazed steel framed. The water used to drip off the window ledges and I had to put towels on them in the winter to catch the water. Demonstrated how much moisture living creates. I also find the Thermpro TP357 devices really useful in rental properties. The capture temperature and humidtiy at 1 minute granularity and the data can be captured into an app via bluetooth. These little deviced are only £9 and great for getting true insight rather than just perception.


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11:36 AM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

Tumble driers throw out a lot of moisture and can clog up with fluff over the years and have been known to catch fire! I evicted mine!!

Grumpy Doug

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11:46 AM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

Further to Tim's response, I've cracked open a Passyfying vent. It's a fairly simple principle with a block of dense Rockwool in the middle. I had a load of it left over from a sound insulation job so I now make my own. A vent pipe plus a couple of flaps from Screwfix about £6 with round bit of Rockwool in the middle. I just core a 100mm hole in the wall.
Also Nuaire PIV's in the loft with the vent hole cut in the landing ceiling. More appropriate for older houses.

Matthew Jude

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11:54 AM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

Hi, as the others have said, a dehumidifier will work if you can persuade your tenants to use it. Some key points are,1 explain how condensation occurs and that it is a natural part of living in a draught free home, not an issue for which someone is to blame.2 explain how and where it is best to use a dehumidifier. 3 explain that they will save money by using a dehumidifier as it is cheaper to heat a dry house as well as more comfortable to live in it. 4 find some instructional videos from the govt or your local authorities to show that this is the true state of things and not you as a landlord trying to evade the issue. 5 assure them that you realise that it is in both your and their best interest to resolve this. You need to accept that they may have to dry their clothes on radiators sometimes, etc, bad weather, flat dwellers or theft of clothes worries.

Easy rider

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16:31 PM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

Reply to the comment left by LaLo at 04/12/2023 - 11:36Venter tumble driers are great if they’re vented to outdoors. Condensing tumble driers never seem to be as efficient but again, shouldn’t cause any moisture in the home.
People are more likely to have showers because they believe they are cheaper than a bath, and showers create a lot of steam. Even drying used towels in the tumble drier is better than hanging them on radiators.

Knobby Russet

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16:58 PM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

If you have access to a loft space a PIV only costs £300-£400 plus fitting (or DIY). I have heard they are very effective.


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17:51 PM, 4th December 2023, About A year ago

Just been through a situation that cause horrendous damp from condensation. Tenant came from India for an IT job, But they found it cold over hear and electricity very expensive. So did not open windows, did not use heating in some rooms and did not use towels rads at times in bathrooms. After an inspection, dripping walls in the second bedroom and the electric wall heater exploded when it was turned due to build up of condensation. His wife cooked rice and currys all day with no windows open, dried clothes and turned the central fan system off. Further education and there was some improvement. They have gone back to India where they will be used to having a live in maid who cleans a cooks. She did not know how to clean either. Just taken in back, had to replace towels rads in bathrooms as they had gone rusty with condensation. Boxing in around pipework rotted through. Even door handles on most rooms were rusting. kitchen was disgusting. Never defrosted fridge so broke 3 boxes trying to get them in and out. Mouldy walls. The list goes on. Just took 4 weeks to do a complete make over to return it to the same condition we handed it to them at a cost of £3000. Advice, check your ventilation system and automate it if you can. I use Soler &Palau silent fans in bathrooms as some tenants complain about the noise and turn them off. Put them on a PIR. Soon as there is movement it comes on. Maximum run on time, Fan in the kitchen can be linked to a humidity monitor, glows red when humidity is too high and fan comes on automatically. Give them a comprehensive list of do's and don'ts .to prevent condensation. Good luck.

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