Compulsory purchase for Landlords that fail to meet Standards in Manchester

Compulsory purchase for Landlords that fail to meet Standards in Manchester

10:07 AM, 17th August 2016, About 8 years ago 5

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Andy BurnhamAndy Burnham the Mayoral candidate for Greater Manchester has announced plans if he wins for a ‘Community Buy-Back Fund’ which will providing loan finance to councils to buy out private landlords who fail to maintain properties to the Decent Homes Standard.

He would also bring in plans to License all landlords in the whole Greater Manchester Area and seek to control rent increases and the standards of properties in the PRS.

In his article for Inside Housing Burnham said “the scourge of absent, private landlords bedevils much of Greater Manchester particularly the older mill towns across its northern arc. Many never visit our area and don’t care about the state of the properties they rent out. They only care about the rent cheques they keep raking in.”

Burnham’s first priority would be to increase the supply of social housing by reallocating the £300 million development fund to provide loans and guarantees to councils and housing associations for the building of new affordable homes to rent

He also wants some of these new properties to be designated as ‘Rent to Own’. This would make them available on a long term lease to under 35s giving assistance in particular to the new generation rent.

Burnham blamed the Conservative government for the housing crisis in Manchester saying “One of the reasons we are in such a mess is because an out of touch Westminster has for years tried to foist a policy designed for the affluent South on the rest of the country. For decades, the national policy focus has been on promoting owner-occupation to the exclusion of investing in other forms of housing. And, sadly, it remains the focus of policy today.”

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14:41 PM, 17th August 2016, About 8 years ago

Yes let's have a go at those wicked landlords who are trying to alleviate the housing crisis. Oh dear what a totally misguided individual, first the government dramatically increases taxes, then Burnham proposes licensing fees, then rent controls and finally, just to ensure that no maintenance can be undertaken, rent caps. Makes a lot of sense to me‽

Jay James

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15:11 PM, 17th August 2016, About 8 years ago

So, Andy Burnham wants to tie landlords' hands, then tie them a bit tighter, then tie their hands again over that, then shackle them and 'oh look, landlords are doing nothing with their properties so we'll use public funds to force purchase their living'. What a non-sensical thing to suggest Mr Burnham.

Alison King

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15:24 PM, 17th August 2016, About 8 years ago

What a pity his article seems to be written in such a prejudiced manner. Up until now I have always thought he was talented and fair-minded. I suppose politicians only get to hear about the really awful cases and that distorts their perspective sometimes.
I always ask prospective tenants why they are leaving their existing property and from what some of them have said I am well aware that there is a small minority of irresponsible landlords who do not look after their tenants or their property properly, and these people bring disrepute on everyone else. It would be to everyone's benefit if there were better ways to ensure standards are maintained.
But punishing the good landlords who already spend a lot of money into ensuring their tenants have decent homes, and making broad generalisations about "the scourge of absent landlords" is not a very positive way to do that. I may not live near my tenants but we are in frequent communication, and of course I care about the condition of the properties. They represent a lifetime of hard graft and savings.
As far as the Rent to Own idea is concerned, it sounds like a good idea to me. It would help those people who want to own a property but can't get a mortgage because they have no savings or a poor credit rating, but I don't think those aged over 35 should be discriminated against in the way he suggests. That seems a bit arbitrary.


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9:25 AM, 20th August 2016, About 8 years ago

It is not just landlords. I rented out a Manchester property in good faith through an agent, from new and the property was immaculate. Due to my circumstances I could not visit for several years, and received regular reports on the supposed condition of the property. When I did access the property some 6 years later it was a slum. I immediately spent some £10,000 refurbishing the property to it's original condition, and now use another agent. Unfortunately the original agent is still trading in the city, including some apartments in the same block as mine.

terry sullivan

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15:40 PM, 20th August 2016, About 8 years ago

burnham is a non-entity--ask him about NHS in Stafford

ps--why are we talking about mayor in manchester--vote for an elected mayor was negative, events in rotherham , keighley, leeds etc etc

ps all contact your MP and remind him/her that there is no democratic mandate for Mayors(and remember prescotts attempt to bring in RDAs was also voted down) and UK has voted to leave eu--mayors were part of eu-regionalization process--would you trust a northern labor politician with billions of taxpayers money? remember poulson, dan-smith, bookbinder

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