Tenant Eviction
What happens if my tenant doesn’t remove her belong...
Hello, Finally, after 8 months I have had the court bailiffs in to repossess my property. However, the tenant wasn’t in and has...
Urgent help needed: Tenant troubles, rent arrears, and co...
Hello, I rented out my only house in April 2022 due to a job opportunity in a different city. Two months into the agreement, the tenant...
Existing tenants in auctioned flat?
Hello readers, I am again seeking people’s superior knowledge. A flat in a block where I have the Freehold has been sold by auction...
Celeb doctor suffers eviction nightmare and warns: ‘...
A BBC presenter and GP has revealed how a ‘friend’ of 25 years turned into a nightmare tenant who trashed her flat and...
S21 issued, one tenant vacated not sure on the second ten...
Hello, I’m trying to help someone who has vacated a property that is on a joint AST. No notice has yet been served by the tenant...
Section 21 being disputed?
Hello, I intend to issue an S21 on a tenant that lacks mental capacity and has a Deputy of the Court of Protection acting for him (his...
Tenant gave notice then changed his mind?
Hello, I am selling all my properties and planned to send the S21 to the tenant of the ‘next in line’ in early January...