Shelter is registered as a housing charity. However, it provides neither housing nor shelter, despite receiving more than £60 million a year in funding and donations. We think their advertising is misleading, their policies are self-serving and we have clear evidence of their executives telling sensationalist headline grabbing lies to National Media and on National TV on many occasions.
Our ever expanding library of evidence of the above exposes and critiques how Shelter actually raise and spend their annual budget of £60 million. This evidence is presented in the link articles below.
If you are as disgusted by Shelter as we are, please share this category page far and wide.
The Latest Campaign Poster from Shelter
I think Shelter ought to try building some bridges with landlords.
Shelter only usually get to hear about bad landlords and that’s...
RLA Probes Shelter Anti Landlord Propaganda
The data, published jointly between Shelter and British Gas suggest that over the last year, 200,000 tenants in the private rented...
Scottish Association of Landlords – dismayed by She...
Scottish Conservative Housing Spokesman Alex Johnstone and the Scottish Association of Landlords have slammed the language employed...
Why the Shelter 5 year rental contract proposals will not...
Housing Charity Shelter is proposing 5 year rental agreements but this is not viable as most landlords would be in breach of their...
RLA Counter Shelter’s Five Point Plan
– News Sourced by Property118 News Team –
Following Shelter’s five point plan to step up its fight against rogue landlords,
Tenants Will Skip Rent to Pay for Christmas, says Shelter
Homeless charity Shelter is predicting thousands of tenants will skip their rents to pay for Christmas.
Renters are putting festive...
Why Shelter’s ‘rogue landlord’ complaints are misleading
The media and do-gooders are quick to jump on the ‘rogue landlord’ bandwagon to answer the clarion call of rough justice for the...