Renters’ Rights Bill
Landlords could pay tenants up to two years’ rent for fai...
In an unfair loophole, purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) providers will be exempt from the Decent Homes Standard, whilst landlords...
Renters’ Rights Bill will reshape the rental market next ...
2025 looks set to be a seismic year for the private rented sector, with the Renters’ Rights Bill expected to become law by summer,
Landlord confidence plummets amid legislation and soaring...
Landlord confidence has dropped due to looming legislation and upcoming energy-efficiency changes.
Research by Savills reveals that...
Landlords selling up is fuelling the homelessness crisis ...
The number of tenants facing homelessness due to landlords selling up has soared by a third since the end of last year, the National...
Landlord exodus grows due to Renters’ Rights Bill and EPC...
Despite the Labour government claiming there is no evidence of a landlord exodus, the English Private Landlord Survey shows a rise...
Landlord rent rises spark calls for government intervention
News that more than half of landlords in England put up the rent for a new tenancy this year has led campaigners to urge the government...
What will be the market rate for forthcoming Section 13 r...
Hello, When the Renters’ Rights Bill attains Royal Assent next year, and every application for Section 13 annual rent increase...