Industry body warns Welsh government’s two-month re...
An industry body labels the Welsh government’s proposal of two months’ rent as compensation for eviction as ‘counterproductive.’...
NRLA warns banning upfront rent payments will hurt tenants
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has slammed the government’s decision to ban landlords from demanding rent...
Industry body urges Welsh government against mandatory EV...
Propertymark is warning the Welsh government against plans to require electric vehicle (EV) charging points in properties.
Under the...
Landlords leave the market as buyers rush to beat stamp d...
The New Year will see buyers race to beat stamp duty changes and more landlords selling up, according to Propertymark’s latest Housing...
Landlords feel unfairly treated as industry body warns of...
Landlords feel they are being “unfairly penalised,” while tenants are being granted too many rights, according to the latest Propertymark...
Disappointment as new funding for upgrading to net zero e...
A new scheme to help upgrade housing stock in Wales doesn’t include help for landlords.
The Welsh government has launched a £70...
Tenant demand surges amid supply shortages and budget con...
Tenant demand continues to outpace supply as landlords worry about the upcoming October budget.
According to Propertymark’s Housing...