Spring sees surge in London renters – but rents pre...
London’s rental market is showing signs of a busy spring with a 10% rise in tenants signing agreements in March compared to February,
London’s councils hit landlords with record fines
Councils in London are tightening their grip on landlords and letting agents who fail to comply with selective licensing rules as fines...
London rents slide as landlords adjust to new market reality
London’s tenants are seeing rent prices fall with three firms highlighting the trend – and how landlords are responding.
Council to buy homes with a REIT to tackle homelessness
A London council has announced it will create a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) to secure homes for housing homeless people and...
London councils’ temporary accommodation ‘bankruptc...
New data from London Councils paints a grim picture of the capital’s homelessness crisis, revealing a shocking 40% increase in...
London property beats most investments in 10-year returns...
Foxtons has revealed that the capital’s residential property market has delivered one of the best returns over the last 10 years,
Alarming surge in the number of rough sleepers in London
Rough sleeping in the capital is now the highest level in a decade, according to new figures.
According to the new combined homelessness...