Guest Articles
Why are Social Housing Tenants Seen As Second Class Citiz...
As I read my way through developments in the housing world on a daily basis I see increasing reference to perceptions about social...
“The story of a Value Investor” part 2 – The Proper...
Another important factor I like to consider is the “Equity Return on Cash”. Ideally the smaller the deposit, the greater the Equity...
“The story of a Value Investor” part 1 – The Proper...
How and Where to Find Property Bargains
Welcome to the next four part episode of the “Property Maverick”. I will again try to make...
When is an AST not an AST?
Answer? – When it’s an Assured Tenancy. Rubbish joke I know.
Most conversations I read on Property 118 and other websites centre...
HMO Landlady Sacks Tenant
Continuing on the maintenance theme (somehow I think this could be ongoing!), I’m in the midst of a continuing dilemma:
Tom has...
Mortgage Lenders Paying Deposits on a Private Let????? Ha...
Most readers of my articles know about my work on landlord/tenant law issues. What many of you don’t know is that 50% of my work...
**%£~%! Lettings Agents!
I know there’s been a lot of mud thrown at lettings agents over the years mainly due to their high charges, limited ability and the...