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New Property118 home insurance for your main residence
We worked hard to bring you a price guarantee on landlord insurance with our buying group, because that is our business and passion.
Lasting Power of Attorney Charity offer for readers
From Howard Reuben Property118 Sponsor:-
We all know that the vast majority of people don’t have a Will written, and even more...
Tenant will die
I have a resident in one of my HMO properties who is causing a problem to other residents. He is a nice person when sober, but is very...
Landlord Insurance team grows
Witten by Jason McClean our new Property118 Landlord insurance team member:
If you want to save money on your landlord insurance then...
“Hunters” employed by commercial lenders
Being the longest standing sponsor of Property118 we thought it was about time we published a follow up to our highly successful article...
Buy to Let perceptions contradicted
For so many years I have heard people say (including many financial advisers) that life insurance to cover buy to let mortgages is...
Avoid the Benefit Cap – Ask me anything
My name is Robert Mellors and this article was prompted by me watching the TV programmes about the Benefit Cap, and “How to Get...