Guest Authors
I just lost £205 because I didn’t have Landlords Emergenc...
I’VE just lost £205 on a single property because I didn’t have Landlords Emergency Cover in place. That’s a whole month’s...
Landlords warned to protect themselves as fraud up 25% in...
Cases of reported fraud increased by over 25% last year with men in their mid-40s most vulnerable, according to the UK’s fraud prevention...
Opt-out insurance add-ons to be banned
Property118 is in favour of new Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) proposals where insurance companies may be banned from automatically...
Landlords rejoice as Superstrike problems are no more!!
Landlords up and down the country will (or should) be celebrating the demise of the ridiculous rules we have all had to put up with...
Allowing sub-letting could create havoc in the Private Re...
Property118’s Landlord Insurance experts have expressed concerns over the Government’s plans to allow private tenants to sub-let...
Landlords can insure against being gazumped
YOU can now insure against being gazumped for just £59.99, Home Buyers Protection Insurance repays any fees or expenses incurred if...
The boiler is the culprit – Property118 Landlord Em...
The boiler is one of the key culprits that costs landlords small fortunes in repairs, creates unhappy tenants and drains profit out...