Landlord Forum questions, buy to let portfolio building case studies, “how to” guides, exit strategies, succession planning and more
Splitting rental income options with spouse?
I own the house I currently live in as a sole owner. I am a higher rate tax payer, while my wife currently has nil income. We are looking...
Fake reference tenant insists on paying agent and not us?
I have a tenant that is refusing to pay their rent directly to my bank account. He is paying through our letting agent who we do not...
How do I sell up a portfolio?
I have been a private landlord for approximately 30 years and am now looking to retire. I would prefer to sell my houses as a going...
The Private Landlord Registration (Information) (Scotland...
The Private Landlord Registration Regulations were approved by Scottish Government on 30 May 2019, requiring affirmation amongst other...
Minimum EPC Ratings Scotland published
Finally “The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (Scotland) Regulations 2019” to be laid before the Scottish Parliament...
Tenant’s damaged electrical goods uninsured
I have just had a major flood in my downstairs flat, my insurance has agreed to pay for new kitchen bathroom with no problem, but contents...
Sprinkler system reponsibility?
I own a flat where there was a sprinkler system that installed by the developer when this property was first built. Now this building...