Can you help with research on new tenant referencing tools?

Can you help with research on new tenant referencing tools?

18:48 PM, 11th August 2022, About 2 years ago

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The University of York and the University of Bristol are undertaking work on new digital risk profiling tools in housing. Digital automated products that undertake tenant referencing are part of a new digital landscape for landlords and agents that automate parts of the tenant selection and tenancy and property management processes. We are interested in what impact these new tenant referencing products will have on the sector, landlords, agents and tenants. The types of services we are examining include Homelet, Mojo, OpenRent, the Lettings Hub or Homeppl, but there are many more of these new tools available.

We’re interested to talk to letting agents and landlords who have had experience of using these tools/services, whether they still do so or not, and exploring their views of what motivates their use, what benefits they bring, whether there are any downsides, how they use them to inform their decision making about tenant selection, their understanding of how they work and what the impacts on the agents and landlords’ role and on tenants might be etc

The study is funded by the Nuffield Foundation and runs until December 2023. The study encompasses conversations with firms who produce the tools, landlords, agents and tenants. We will be sharing our research findings with participants and industry stakeholders to help us understand the potential and limits of digital tenancy access. Everything is confidential and the study has been approved by the University of York ethics committee.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please let  know on and we can send you further information and, if you are interested in helping the project, arrange a time/date to talk on zoom or on the phone, as you prefer.

To help us ensure we have a range of perspectives, we would be pleased if you could complete the form below and Dr Alexandra Ciocanel will send you further information and, if you are interested in helping the project, arrange a time/date to talk on zoom or on the phone, as you prefer

Many thanks for your interest.

Dr Alison Wallace, University of York, School of Business and Society (Principal Investigator)


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