Can ventilation systems tackle damp in homes?

Can ventilation systems tackle damp in homes?

9:16 AM, 23rd April 2024, About 8 months ago 45

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Hi, with damp and mould being a big issue, are ventilation systems a good idea? This last winter on the south coast there were very few frosts and the air has been very humid and wet.

Many houses are damp due to inadequate ventilation. We can write to tenants and advise them especially, in warm weather to open windows so as to dry out the houses. But will they listen?

Should we install electrical equipment to do this work and simply increase the rents?

What are your thoughts?



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8:58 AM, 7th May 2024, About 8 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Robert at 05/05/2024 - 19:57
What make of PIV did you use?


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10:41 AM, 7th May 2024, About 8 months ago

We used Envirovent. 4 properties. On all the time, low level, quiet. Worked for us. There are others. There is no underlying damp (rising etc) in the properties. Specifically condensation and one case of mould.
Envirovent did the moisture assessment and recommendation. We changed to their Cyclone ventilators in bathrooms and also in two properties have larger ventilation units to draw from the property as a whole (like on the exterior kitchen wall with a duct through to the hallway).

One of these in the property with mould, it's gone. The other in a basement flat no condensation or mould since installing 6 years. Not that much change in moisture, it is the air movement. The tenant very happy and accepts a rent increase to pay it off.

Ashley Tobin

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13:38 PM, 13th May 2024, About 7 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Dave the Rave at 23/04/2024 - 13:45
hi Dave, you say you provide a book informing your tenants about condensation, is this one you have made, or a pamphlet commonly available? I need such a document. thanks Ash

Ashley Tobin

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13:44 PM, 13th May 2024, About 7 months ago

Reply to the comment left by Robert at 07/05/2024 - 10:41we use Envirovent products as they are low decibel, only in a bathroom, and not the trickle type which is always on, just the usual 'in-line' type.
Causes for concern are finding tenants reducing the temperatures to save money on gas as rents are high/ incomes are lower, thus causing air condensation rising to ceilings and cold exterior walls, and what have you got: M to the O to the U to the L to the D...
Vital landlords get tenants to acknowledge when first moving in, possibly a contractual detail, stating this and the solutions to avoid MOULD, as its their health they are playing with. I have now added a section but would like a pamphlet to add to contracts if such a thing exists.


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15:45 PM, 13th May 2024, About 7 months ago

Thanks Ash. In essence we are setting up the baseline. Also aware and believe that the #1 item for private landlords property will be mould. (fair or unfair).

The experience with continuous positive ventilation - removed issues from the bathroom, condensation, damp walls. In our case it was the Envirovent Cyclone. There are other makes.

In more demanding situations, like one where condensation and mould were active, then we also included positive ventilation for the flat as a whole. One additional ventilator. Envirovent call this Mr Venty ! (their name). There are other makes. Located in the kitchen (out through external wall) with a duct into the hallway. Condensation and mould disappeared. Tenant was pleased - very sensitive to this issue.

We now have a baseline and data (before and after ventilation, moisture levels). The tenants need to maintain this. On one occasion clothes drying was moved away from a ventilated area (bathroom, utility, WC) to a bedroom (!), which we stamped out.

These are solid wall Victorian properties. No underlying damp (rising etc) to begin.

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