Can I induce tenant to leave faster?

Can I induce tenant to leave faster?

8:34 AM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago 10

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The Court has allowed us possession following a S8, tenant is to leave within 14 days.bribe

If tenant does not leave, then I have to ask the court to allow me to appoint bailiffs. Altogether about another 6 weeks and £1000.

I would like to negotiate with the tenant to induce her to leave but she is not contactable and I’m reluctant to be seen as harassing her.

What is the best / fastest options for eviction?

Many thanks


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Neil Patterson

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8:38 AM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

A bit like Blackmail how do you know if the tenant was to accept an "inducement" they would just not stay and ask for another one?

Luke P

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9:50 AM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

This is becoming more common in and around my neck of the woods (the poorer North) as High Court Enforcement fees (the only real alternative to an unacceptable wait for the bailiffs) are quite high. It adds up when you look at the rents further South, but not if you're rent is not all that high.

Get them to sign a deed of surrender and only once they've got all their stuff, actually left and signed do you hand over the cash (perhaps £200).

Alternatively, wait the six weeks and stomach another grand.

terry sullivan

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10:03 AM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

wait--do not pay

then list names on referencing sites and use SCC for arrears

Charles King - Barrister-At-Law

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10:51 AM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

Hi Lenny, I know it goes against the grain (and is perhaps counter intuitive) but if it is going to cost you £1,000 too wait for 6 weeks why not offer her £1,000 (of (£500, or whatever you want) in return for her getting out and returning the keys to you tomorrow (with a surrender by all means)? Get the property cleaned up and re-let and profitable again asap. Don't worry about your soon to be ex-tenant, exept to the extent that she is causing you a problem right now, today. It is obviously in your best interests to pay her off for whatever you can get away with. Maybe it is a tactic she uses, or maybe she just doesn't have any money, what difference does it actually make to you? You will make the money up soon enough. Waiting and besmirching her as Terry suggests is tempting, but it will cost you £1,000 and you won't get the propperty back for 6 weeks. What good is that to you? Renting a property to a tenant is a business, and like all businesses you get dodgy customers and have to take a hit sometimes. The most important thing is surely getting some money in again as soon as possible. If you spend too much time worrying about dodgy tenants and their shenanigans you will soon find yourself wasting your life thinking about nothing else. Best of luck

Luke P

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11:07 AM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "terry sullivan" at "10/08/2016 - 10:03":

It very much depends on the tenants/guarantor (if you have one). If the tenant has nothing, perhaps they're claiming HB, then you'll not get anything. If they're working and can demonstrate their outgoings to be similar to their income, then you will only likely receive in the order of £10/mo or something similar.

All of my 350+ tenants have a homeowner guarantor and very rarely do I not get paid, but if speed and cost-saving is your priority then an incentive is your quickest cheapest, option. I understand the reluctance of others to encourage this sort of behaviour, but when it's YOU who's losing out and the system is set against you then what realistic choice do you have.

I have a huge amount of experience just by the volume of property I own and manage so come up against problems and the remedies a lot more often than most of my fellow landlords, but wait if you want and go down the listing them on referencing sites route...

Mark Leach

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12:03 PM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

If I serve a section 8 I always enclose the following. If they cant or don't pay the rent to the point that they get evicted the pragmatic answer is to get them out asap and start again. It is highly unlikely that you will get payment after they have left. I have used this method for 20 odd years and it always works for me.

On the basis that you cannot pay the rent and have to leave the flat, providing that you leave the flat within 14 days or by arrangement with myself, I will not pursue you for the rent that is owing, however if you do not leave and I have to apply to the court for possession I will have to charge you the full rent up until you leave the flat plus all the legal costs.

Peter Poupard

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12:15 PM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

I have recently managed to evict a problem tenant who was rehoused by the local council and now knowing she probably stitched up her previous landlord I am keen to prevent someone else suffering from her tactics. Where do I find the database you refer to for bad tenants?

Thanks, Peter

Ian Ringrose

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13:58 PM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

If we all used then there would be a lot less questions like this! landlordreferencing has a database of tenants and past landlords, making it much harder for a tenant to "forget" to include the details of landlords they messed about on application forms.

Peter Poupard

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14:39 PM, 10th August 2016, About 9 years ago

Sadly I used an agent ( an estate agent who claimed to operate a letting agency but now appreciate the difference ) and trusted them to carry out the necessary checks. Once bitten twice shy next time I'll use a letting agency.


Colin McNulty

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10:09 AM, 13th August 2016, About 9 years ago

As others have said, it's a good idea to negotiate. I've done this successfully several times by offering to pay for their "removal costs up to £500" if they leave by a certain date. After that, the deals off, and I point out the court costs that will be added to their bill and the number of years they'll be chased for this.

If you can't get hold of the tenant, then write to her. It's also sometimes useful to get a third party like a letting agent, or if you're selling the estate agent, to be the mediator for conversations.

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