Can I sue the council for telling tenants to stay put and wait for bailiffs?

Can I sue the council for telling tenants to stay put and wait for bailiffs?

0:03 AM, 11th September 2024, About A day ago 11

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Here’s the story, tenants got behind with their rent. You know how it goes – one month they are a little bit behind the next month, they catch up the next month. The next month they pay a bit more and before you know it, they’re over two months behind!

You then start the eviction process where they end up being five months behind!

You follow the process: The court grants a possession order, All be it, three weeks delayed in the post!

The tenant takes it to the council who they’ve been in communication with all the way along.

The council now say tenants don’t have to move until the landlord gets a warrant of possession from the bailiffs and are telling tenants to stay put in the property!

I thought this was:
1. Against the directive from the previous housing minister
2. In direct contravention of a court order. Contempt of court?

Can I sue the council? I’m certainly considering writing a letter suggesting I’m going to sue them but I thought I’d ask the Property118 forum’s advice first.

Editor’s Note: You can find Property118’s investigation into whether councils are acting illegally by telling tenants to stay put, as well as previous Housing Minister Brandon Lewis’s advice to councils on the issue by clicking here

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John Porcella

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23:38 PM, 11th September 2024, About An hour ago

Reply to the comment left by Nicholas G-B at 11/09/2024 - 16:17
Why would a private sector landlord have any feelings at all for council tenants on Universal Credit? Council tenants have no need to communicate with private sector landlords.

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