Can I get minutes from a board meeting where I was removed as director?

Can I get minutes from a board meeting where I was removed as director?

9:57 AM, 15th March 2024, About 10 months ago 2

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Hi,  I was the managing director for a residential management company. I started asking uncomfortable questions and requesting to see expenditures etc.

Other directors did not like it and they removed me from the position of director at the board meeting without following the procedure outlined in the articles of association which is standard pointing to Act 85.

I am trying to ask the directors 2 questions: What procedure they followed to vote me out and to provide me with the minutes of the meeting – which happened 5 months ago.

In total, I wrote 3 emails with the above questions, 3 directors did not respond, one sent me an abusive email in a “private capacity, and the chairman is answering with everything except the answer to my questions.

I tried to research about minutes and there is not much about it. There are a lot of advisory articles but not many legal regulations. Please can Property118 readers help with the following questions:

Do I have a right to get the minutes from the directors’ board meeting during which I was voted out?
How long it is reasonable to wait for the minutes?

Does the chairman need approval from other directors to give me the minutes? I would appreciate any advice.

Thanks in advance,


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16:55 PM, 15th March 2024, About 10 months ago

Section 168, Companies Act 2006 provides that a company can remove a Director by passing an ordinary resolution at a meeting. Special notice is however required. On receipt of notice of an intended resolution to remove a Director, the company must send a copy of the notice to the Director concerned.

Were shareholders present and voted?

Obviously have no idea what is in the company's Mem & Arts but I hope this helps.


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23:17 PM, 15th March 2024, About 10 months ago

1, RMCs don't usually have managing directors, they may have a chairman. Unless you mean you were actively managing.
2. If that was the case how come you were not party to the expenditure?
3.They should not have removed you unless you had failed to act in the interests of the company or to attend meetings for six months which they could engineer by not inviting you, however you could be voted out at the next re-election which requires a general meeting
4. If you're not a director there is no obligation to provide you with the minutes.

Difficult to add anything else without knowing a bit more about the company

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