Building my property portfolio – your thoughts please?

Building my property portfolio – your thoughts please?

10:59 AM, 29th May 2013, About 11 years ago 25

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Building my property portfolio - your thoughts please?I have 2 properties that I bought for cash, one of which is my primary residence and one is a flat I rent out. I have just taken a buy to let mortgage on the flat and wonder what is the best way forward to building my property portfolio.

Do I buy one property with that money and then mortgage it again or do I use that money to buy two properties, putting down a 20% deposit, and get two mortgages?

I really don’t know which is the best way forward. I have worked out I need about 8 properties to be able to live comfortably. I have also sold my shop and will be getting more cash in about three months.

Thanks in advance for your helpful suggestions.

Sally Lloyd

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12:08 PM, 30th May 2013, About 11 years ago

Are you based within the UK? If so Jim Haliburton is the man you need to talk to!

Jim Haliburton (Founder of HMO Daddy and J9 Accommodation) is a property development expert who owns 102 HMO's, 30 Single Let properties and he also has 18 Lease Option Properties. In all he has a portfolio comprising more than 730 rooms.

He owns a Letting Agency called J9 Accommodation which employs 5 full time employees who look after his property portfolio as well as other landlords properties. He also has a 6 man building, maintenance and refurbishment team to look after the overall maintenance of his portfolio.

Jim offers a variety of courses to help out individuals looking to start their own property portfolios. One of his course includes a tour of 4 of his HMO properties. To find out more about the courses on offer you can contact the marketing director for HMO Daddy by emailing the marketing directer for HMO Daddy (Be quick because spaces on these courses fill up quickly)

Also, you can head over to the HMO Daddy website (below) and get a FREE E-Book “Beginners Guide To HMOs and Multi-lets” written by Jim Haliburton (This is very useful and it's FREE!!!!!)

Hope this helps and best of luck 🙂

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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14:19 PM, 30th May 2013, About 11 years ago

@propertyguru - Hi Jim, I've heard from several people including Mary Latham, who is a very well trusted Guest columnist here at Property118, that you are the UK's expert on HMO's. What I can't understand, therefore, is why you have posted here under anything other than your own name or your Twitter alias @HMOdaddy and why you have written your post in the third person. Please explain as I'm a bit

sally lloyd

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22:27 PM, 30th May 2013, About 11 years ago

thanks everyone, i can't believe your support and knowledge. I now realise that It's a minefield out there and I need to tread carefully and build my porfolio up slowly as there is so much to learn and so many things that can bite.

yes chris you are right about things not always going to plan. I bought my first flat 24 years ago at the top of the market, and saw my mortgage double over night so thanks for reminding me, luckily it was only a small mortgage and i rented a room out quickly but i saw lots of people loose everything. i got an endowment mortgage for 22k which matures next year for a whooping 12k to 14k 16 if the elephants learn to fly.( i have kept paying the policy) So am very cautious of great deals. I realize that i must investigate my percentages and mortgage deals out there. (not my strong point)This is my first time back in property as i went abroad for years and it is so easy to forget the highs and the lows

the main thing I'm getting from everyone is that cash flow is key and go slowly which is what my partner keeps telling me as he was one of the people who lost everything too about the same time. he maxed out his borrowing , enjoyed his profits then crashed when interest rates hit record high, as he had no cash to ride the bad times i think it was about 16%).

thank you Andrew, your advice on taking it slowly is key too as I'm excited so want to go in all guns blazing but unfortunately like you say my partner can't clone himself 🙂 so i think 1 to 2 properties a year is enough for now 🙂 and I'll keep my home mortgage free. For now I'm spending lots of time on here trying to learn as much as I can oh and looking at houses too:)

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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22:34 PM, 30th May 2013, About 11 years ago

Sally, who is Andrew?

sally lloyd

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22:55 PM, 30th May 2013, About 11 years ago

i just left a long response but don't see it, Please don't tell me I pressed the wrong button

sally lloyd

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22:57 PM, 30th May 2013, About 11 years ago

just saw it phew sorry mark, andrew is you lol so many names, don't know where i got andrew from sorry\

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13:00 PM, 31st May 2013, About 11 years ago

Hi Mark,

Apologies for the confusion I am not posting here as Jim Haliburton.
I'm the marketing Assistant for HMO Daddy and I have posted this comment about HMO Daddy to help answer Sally's question.

Hope this helps

Vanessa Warwick

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14:00 PM, 31st May 2013, About 11 years ago

Hi Emily,

I am curious why a Marketing Assistant would call themselves a "property guru" and not disclose that they are associated with the company they are promoting?

Perhaps you can enlighten me why you did this?

As for HMO Daddy, if he is so profitable with all his numerous HMO's, why isn't he putting his feet up on a beach somewhere, rather than running courses?

Again, I am curious to understand such approaches as most people get involved in property for financial freedom, but some who claim to have achieved it do not seem to give up the day job, which is the first thing most would do if they had the chance not to work anymore, pursue hobbies, pursue humanitarian activities, or simply spend more time with their family.

It just seems ironic that HMO Daddy is giving advice, but not taking it himself.

Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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14:18 PM, 31st May 2013, About 11 years ago

@Property Guru (Emily)

I have to agree with Vanessa's sentiments. Just for the record, Vanessa operates a forum of her own called Property Tribes. There is no commercial relationship between the two forums. Both Property118 and Property Tribes were created by very like minded people, our mission is also very similar - to share and facilitate best practice free of charge.

Both forums are funded primarily by donations from members and sponsorships from carefully vetted providers of products and services to landlords.

As I said in my initial post, the fact that Mary Latham holds Jim in high regard is an excellent testament to his knowledge. I know that Mary also runs Landlord Accreditation Courses for MLAS but I know she doesn't really do this for the money as it pays a pittance and she's obviously done very well for herself as a result of having been a landlord for 40+ years.

Are the courses Jim runs similar to the Landlord Accreditation courses run by Mary? How much do the courses cost?

If they are more than £150 a day, which is the price charged for Landlord Accreditation, then I would have to share Vanessa's scepticism.

I also wonder why Jim chooses not to post on Property118 and Property Tribes in person given that we have the largest audiences of online landlords in the UK?

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22:24 PM, 31st May 2013, About 11 years ago

Perhaps HMO daddy is a benificent organisation and assists people out of the goodness of his own heart; allowing LL to profit from his experience and astuteness!
Personally I would be on the beach; but then there are some completely unselfish and giving people out there without a thought for themselves who prefer to keep their noses to the grindstone and forego the pleasures that their endeavours could be facilitating!!
HMO daddy must be one of these exceptional people!
Trouble is I don't believe it for one minute!!
I would want to see his personal financial situation first and the reasons why he was bothering to waste his time imparting his knowledge to numpty LL when he could be on that beach somewhere!!

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