Add A Property118 News RSS Feed Into Your Website

Add A Property118 News RSS Feed Into Your Website

Make Text Bigger

Have your readers got a good reason to visit your web-site every day?  If not why not give them something for nothing? It’s FREE for you to use too!

One of the most popular features within is our News.  We are regularly asked for permission to use our articles.

Until now, our answer has usually been no.  This is due to copyright issues in our contracts with journalists and that search engines downgrade websites with copy content.

However, we now have an RSS feed which makes it possible for you to display our news headlines and a snippett of the article without you encountering any of these problems.

An example of our News Feed can be seen below.  Your web-developers should easily be able to adjust the size and place the code into your web-site.  This feature is FREE

The code that your web-developer will need is:-

For this widget…….

…….. use the following code

<script src=”” data-fw-param=”14701/”></script>

For this widget…….

…….. use the following code

<iframe src=””></iframe>

The RSS feed link is

To use these codes, paste either code into your websites template where you want the widget to show. Alternatively, if your theme uses widgets insert a text widget and copy in the code you require.