Summer Budget 2015 – Landlords Reactions

Summer Budget 2015 – Landlords Reactions

14:00 PM, 8th July 2015, About 10 years ago 9619

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Budget 2015 - Landlords Reactions

The concern is;

Budget proposals to “restrict finance cost relief to individual landlords”Summer Budget 2015 - Landlords Reactions

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Appalled Landlord

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19:10 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Alexander" at "30/07/2015 - 17:19":

I have sent emails to, or left messages on the websites of, nearly all the associations listed. With a few it is not possible, for various reasons

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19:11 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Inside the top 25 rankings on the e petition site.

Connie Cheuk

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19:14 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Alexander" at "30/07/2015 - 17:19":

There are all these associated trades people within these landlord sites. This is another group to target, Ros. I've emailed some of them with email addresses.

John McKay

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19:20 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Ros ." at "30/07/2015 - 18:57":

Sorry I was sent off on an errand by Mrs M before I finished my last post. I'm thinking that in the vicinity of Ikea the poster could be more directed at Landlords.

John McKay

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Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

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19:29 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "John McKay" at "30/07/2015 - 19:09": will work better on posters, no need for the http://www

John McKay

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19:47 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Alexander" at "30/07/2015 - 19:29":

Yes. Thank you Mark

Mark Shine

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19:52 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Appalled Landlord" at "30/07/2015 - 11:31":

I signed the petition earlier. I will also send out link and the additional text to as many as I can.

None of the below is to take anything away from all the hard work done by others, but I think I may alter the wording very slightly of example 3 in emails etc that I personally send out. Appalled Landlord, sorry to double check but Emily’s gross rental income is 75k? The only reason I am double checking is because I don’t think I’ve seen that figure mentioned in anywhere else on this forum other than your earlier post that I am replying to. I may have missed it elsewhere of course 😉

Another slight alteration I’m thinking of making in my emails etc is under ‘How might landlords be affected?’... I think I may add an * with a note just to emphasize the point in that just because someone is currently a basic rate tax payer, they could find themselves a 40 or 45% tax payer by 2020 based on current income after the proposed changes take effect..

Connie Cheuk

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20:06 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Mark Alexander" at "30/07/2015 - 17:19":

Almost done. Those without emails will get a phone call tomorrow.

Landing Lord

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20:29 PM, 30th July 2015, About 10 years ago

Recently heard the news. Very concerned about the situation. Thought I would sign and join.

I think everyone is forgetting that the bank of england is going to ACT this year (2015), in the coming months against BTL..... I have heard very little on this in detail. It seems that from what I can find out the BOE is going to target BTL specifically without damaging residential.

It is very likely to be LTV changes, max amount of BTL's per person, higher rates and others I cannot consider at this stage.

Page 24

PDF link.

So tax changes are not the only thing we need to be watching VERY closely.

I also would like to add some thoughts from my personal look / view of things.

I see tenants who rent because they refuse to pay the prices currently asked. The ones that know the coming situation are welcoming it and are not worried about being kicked out as they know recently there were changes to tenants in a bankrupt rental.....

"In some cases, the lender will become the landlord after it repossesses the property from the landlord. This happens only if your tenancy is binding on the landlord's lender, and the new law does not affect these cases."

So they expect leveraged landlords to sell up quickly or soon after they find out, the prices will be cheaper and then the tenants will buy. I know all are not like this and this should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Moving to LTD will hit hard for CGT so not an option.

I am considering selling everything I have over the next 6 months and taking the appreciation in them then with the money putting it into LTD and rebuying. I need to get more advise here.

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