BTL Mortgages starting below 4%

BTL Mortgages starting below 4%

9:22 AM, 1st December 2023, About A year ago

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CHL Mortgages has expanded its product range, and now includes standard buy-to-let two-year fixed-rate mortgages up to 65% loan to value that start at 3.65%! Now that is attractive compared to recent rates.

They also currently have rates of:
3.72% for 70% LTV
4.90% for 75% LTV

Standard BTL lets do have certain criteria and differences in rates depending on property, location, income etc etc, but book in with a broker to talk options.

It may be that these don’t fit, but why not get some free expert advice anyway, and see what could fit instead?

Don’t let your portfolio stagnate maximise your profits and try to stay on top of a tough market.

Contact Howard Reuben

Mortgages, Commercial and Bridging Finance, Life Insurance, Wills, Trusts and LPA's

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