Black spot mould in cellar

Black spot mould in cellar

16:01 PM, 6th September 2013, About 11 years ago 6

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This is a new one on me, tenant rang me today, with the floods a few weeks ago, her cellar flooded. Black spot mould in cellar

She says black mould all growing up walls.

I’m going to look next week, but my quick enquiries tell me clean off with bleach and get de-humidifier.

I know a bit about ‘normal’ mould in ‘normal’ ground and first floor in houses, but nothing about cellars.

I’m not keen on the idea of calling in a specialist who will charge me hundreds of pounds at this stage. If anyone has previously successfully tackled this please let me know.

Also if I have to get a de-humidifier, where should I go to get one that don’t cost a fortune?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Mick Roberts

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Barbara Thorning

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16:51 PM, 6th September 2013, About 11 years ago

Can't help with the damp I'm afraid, but you can hire an industrial de-humidifier, which might be more effective than a basic domestic one. Better top up the electricity meter though!


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18:06 PM, 9th September 2013, About 11 years ago

For a start check that the vents, and all houses have fresh air vents, near the ground are clear. Sometimes people put soil and plants over them, sometimes they get clogged with the dirt thrown up when the rain comes down and hits the ground to a height of 5 inches. Often in cold weather tenants also clog up, stuff up or block them up.

Try to make sure that there is an incoming and an outgoing one to speed up the natural hot air out fresh air in action.

Natural ventilation is cheaper and more reliable than forced.

So with that then suck the air out and let fresh air in and if possibly have the outlet for the dehumidifier go into the drains or sink so it can run continuously otherwise it will stop when full.

Again open doors to let the fresh air in. "Thats an easy starter for 10!" The SPAB Society for the Protection of ancient Buildings had wood over 500 years old in barns that were good because they kept them ventilated and dry

Joe Bloggs

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7:46 AM, 10th September 2013, About 11 years ago

this mould is no different to what you get in kitchens and bathrooms. its caused by too much moisture (flood), and not enough heat (cellar) and ventilation. with hindesight you should have put the dehumidifers in immediately after the flood to remove the excess moisture.

Mick Roberts

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12:15 PM, 12th September 2013, About 11 years ago

Thanks everyone, not sure how to put hear in cellar though if needs it.

Mick Roberts

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17:36 PM, 6th October 2013, About 11 years ago

Reply to the comment left by "Winsome P" at "09/09/2013 - 18:06":

Forgot to say SuperThanks for this one. Vents were blocked, massive difference in a few hours.


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19:22 PM, 6th October 2013, About 11 years ago

Thank you for the Thank you Mick. Simple solution huh!
Sometimes i just realise that the great designers and engineers created these houses and they knew something. Chichester got flooded and there were massive pipes about20cm-30cm in diameter 6 of them pumping water away. I also thought is strange seeing a massive difference in water levels of about 8ft either side of the dual carriage way.
Firemen were heroes, mayor and politicians were involved, great efforts, flooded premises and commercial claims. . . . .
Until a man went down underneath the dual carriage way and opened up the two massive 1meter wide connecting pipes. . .
Sometimes you wonder!

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