Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Donations and Fundraising

Donations and Fundraising...

Our forums are funded entirely by donations and sponsorships, we do not carry advertising, nor do we charge subscription fees as this would be self defeating towards our mission. Please help us to keep...

Fit and Proper Landlords and Tenants – Consequences?

Fit and Proper Landlords and Tenants – Consequences?

I have heard the words “Fit and Proper” mentioned a lot of late in terms of regulation of landlords and letting agents. It would appear that society would like fit and proper landlords only...

How to get 6 BTL mortgages with BM Solutions

How to get 6 BTL mortgages with BM Solutions...

So many buy to let borrowers get frustrated because BM Solutions will only allow them to have 3 buy to let mortgages. However, now they have removed their minimum income requirements, this criteria is...

Letting Fees MUST be disclosed in advertising as of Nov 1st 2013

Letting Fees MUST be disclosed in advertising as of Nov 1st 2013...

Many of you will be aware of a ruling made by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in March this year following a tenant complaint concerning letting fees. This meant that changes had to be made to...

Eric Walker appointed as Northwood MD

Eric Walker appointed as Northwood MD...

Eric Walker has been appointed to the role of Managing Director at Northwood GB, the letting agency best known for specialising in guaranteed rent. I have met Eric at several industry events and we have...

Mortgage Express or Mortgage Distress?

Mortgage Express or Mortgage Distress?

The Mortgage Express exit strategy has been a hot potato since at least 2011 when they first met a group of 70 landlords at an event organised under the Property Tribes banner.  They have been slated...

Popular questions from tenants to landlords

Popular questions from tenants to landlords...

It’s not just landlords and letting agents using our property forum these days. Recently we have had several Readers Questions posed by tenants who have been badly treated by their landlords.  If there’s...

Deed of Assurance Document Template Download

Deed of Assurance Document Template Download...

If you have the right type of properties to attract long term, good quality tenants, don’t stitch yourself or your tenant up with a long term AST. Consider the benefits to all concerned of offering a...

Good Landlords Campaign Board of Directors

Good Landlords Campaign Board of Directors...

One of my goals is for The GOOD Landlords Campaign to eventually become a registered charity. For that to happen there are several hoops to jump through, the first of which is to form a steering committee.

Ready Made Property Tweets

Ready Made Property Tweets...

If like me you are a big fan of Twitter you will no doubt enjoy sharing information with your fellow landlords. I have just completed the mammoth task of completely updating my buy to let property investment...

Free guide to finding the very best tenants

Free guide to finding the very best tenants...

My free guide to finding the very best tenants is now available as a PDF download, just see the form at the bottom of this article.  In the PDF I explain what my family do to find the next perfect tenant...

Tenant Referencing Using Common Sense

Tenant Referencing Using Common Sense...

Common sense tenant referencing was pretty much the only option available when I first became a landlord and started letting property in the late 1980’s.  In this article I am going to explain...

CAMPARI – old school lenders underwriting

CAMPARI – old school lenders underwriting...

CAMPARI stands for Character, Ability, Means, Purpose, Amount, Repayment, Interest and Insurance  It was also a popular drink in the late 70’s and early 80’s but that’s not what this...

Concerned Mum trying to help her daughter

Concerned Mum trying to help her daughter...

This Facebook discussion between a letting agent and a concerned Mum is well worth sharing in my opinion. Please feel free to discuss.  Concerned Mum – I wonder if you could give me some advice...

Alternatives to Landlord Licencing Schemes

Alternatives to Landlord Licencing Schemes...

The alternatives to Landlord Licensing Schemes require joined up thinking, changes to data sharing protocols within local authorities and revised high level directives and strategies which must begin at...

AST’s  – what’s best a Contract or a Deed?

AST’s – what’s best a Contract or a Deed?

I am working as part of a legal group to solve an issue for landlords which I hope to be able to talk about later this month.   I’m learning a lot and loving it! The issue of contract vs Deed came...

Landlord Licensing Schemes – Raising Standards or Raising Funds?

Landlord Licensing Schemes – Raising Standards or Raising...

WARNING – this article might make you want to cry, it might make you want to laugh and it will probably make you angry, and for many different reasons depending on who you are.  This is one of those...

Rental Yields Explained – Listen to the audio

Rental Yields Explained – Listen to the audio...

Our friends Rob Bence and Rox Dix from the Property Podcast have produced an excellent audio programme which explains various options to calculate rental yields.  They have also added a very cool, funky...

DOWNLOAD the Aug 2013 Bank of England Inflation Report HERE

DOWNLOAD the Aug 2013 Bank of England Inflation Report HERE...

This is the first Bank of England inflation report since Mark Carney took on his new role of Bank of England Governor last month. The media are calling this the most revolutionary day in the recent...

Quick Sale Property Businesses Squirming at OFT Report

Quick Sale Property Businesses Squirming at OFT Report...

The OFT have announced that they have written to 120 Quick Sale property businesses advising them to review their practices and also revealed they are to investigate three “Quick Sale” property...

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.