Mark Alexander - Founder of Property118

Raise the Roof – Are Shelter listening to landlords at long last?

Raise the Roof – Are Shelter listening to landlords at...

According to there are around 15 million spare rooms in the UK. Letting just 10% of these could go a long way towards solving the UK housing crisis. Against this backdrop I was delighted...

Tracker Rate Campaign – Briefing Notes for MP’s

Tracker Rate Campaign – Briefing Notes for MP’s...

Conduct of Mortgage Lenders Having been lobbied heavily by their constituents Jason McCartney and David Morris are both delighted with the cross party support of EDM976 regarding the Conduct of Mortgage...

Focus on Lettings in Greater Manchester

Focus on Lettings in Greater Manchester...

I have just completed a telephone review with our partners at and one of the questions I asked was “what is the most popular area in the Country for Letting Supermarket right...

Bank of Ireland Tracker Rate Legal Campaign Fundraising re-launched

Bank of Ireland Tracker Rate Legal Campaign Fundraising re-launched...

The Bank of Ireland Tracker Rate Legal Campaign began in March 2013. History to date 100 affected BoI borrowers each paid £150 plus VAT into an initial legal fees fighting fund and instructed Justin...

More Sponsors Banners Now Available – Be Quick!

More Sponsors Banners Now Available – Be Quick!

Due to increasing  levels of interest and use of our Property Research Tool we will be adding a new row of Sponsors banners to the search results pages. This will raise further funds towards the running...

The 3D printer that can build a house in 24 hours

The 3D printer that can build a house in 24 hours...

The University of Southern California is testing a giant 3D printer that could be used to build a whole house in under 24 hours. Professor Behrokh Khoshnevis has designed the giant robot that replaces...

Looking to get into property investment or expand your portfolio?

Looking to get into property investment or expand your portfolio?

Back in September 2013 I wrote an about an HMO investment opportunity which could be of interest to people wanting a relatively low risk, low hassle investment so far as property goes. It was a sponsored...

Ever thought about blogging about property in your town?

Ever thought about blogging about property in your town?

Social Media is a great way to engage with people who think like you do and may even want to do business with you. It’s very different to advertising though. You wouldn’t walk into your local...

Landlords Tax Returns – 10 Common Mistakes

Landlords Tax Returns – 10 Common Mistakes...

In this article I am going to share the common mistakes that landlords make when completing their tax returns. In no particular order and certainly not a definitive list:-  1) Treating the entire mortgage...

Learning from experience

Learning from experience...

It can be a lot less expensive and stressful to learn from other peoples experience than to learn by making your own mistakes. Sharing is caring 🙂 I do not profess to have a monopoly on good ideas for...

Mortgage Express Harsh Realities re Mortgage Arrears

Mortgage Express Harsh Realities re Mortgage Arrears...

It would appear that Mortgage Express are now operating a zero tolerance policy on buy to let mortgage accounts which fall two or months into arrears. In recent months I have heard of several landlords...

Landlord & Property Website Awards 2013

Landlord & Property Website Awards 2013...

And the winners of the Simply Business Landlord & Property Website Awards 2013 are …..  #1 Simply Business said …. “Our number one pick for this edition of Landlord...

Lease Options, How Do They Work?

Lease Options, How Do They Work?

Back in 2009 I wrote a paper warning of the risks of associated with Lease Options to both vendors and tenants who decide to rent with a view to purchasing a property via a landlord using a sandwich lease...

How to become a respected and profitable landlord

How to become a respected and profitable landlord...

I have been a landlord since 1989. In this series of articles I will explain how to become a landlord, how I built my property investment portfolio and some hints and tips I’ve learned along the...

Property Research Tool

Property Research Tool...

UK Property Research Tool What you need to know and where to find the information X // This Property Research Tool is for the benefit of all property buyers, landlords, tenants, owner occupiers and...

Tis the season of goodwill

Tis the season of goodwill...

I came across a story today and felt compelled to share it with you. It has nothing to do with property for a change but it touched me and I think it will touch you too …… …..

What are your repayment plans?

What are your repayment plans?

Are mortgage lenders having a campaign to ask interest only mortgage borrowers “what are your repayment plans?” In the last 24 hours I have been contacted by two people, with different mortgage...

24% Return on Capital on a West Midlands BTL

24% Return on Capital on a West Midlands BTL...

Earlier this year I promised to review various areas of the UK to establish what returns are available and what I would be buying if I was starting out again today.  Note that I’ve been a landlord...

Paragon Mortgages MD Calls for BTL Code of Practice

Paragon Mortgages MD Calls for BTL Code of Practice...

John Heron, the Managing Director of Paragon Mortgages has been a good friend of mine for several years. Despite this I don’t agree with everything he has said in a paper he’s recently published...

Important Message To Mortgage Advisers re West Brom Mortgage Company

Important Message To Mortgage Advisers re West Brom Mortgage...

Summary of recommendations If you have ever sold any West Brom Buy to Let mortgages I suggest you advise your clients to search Google for “West Brom Tracker Rate Class Action” and to register immediately.

Registered with
Monday 17th January 2011

Total Number of Property118 Comments:


UK landlord since 1989.

Wedded to property, finance, tax and law since 1987.

Enjoying financial freedom since 2003 and location independence since 2016.

Homes in Malta, Florida and Central Russia but very much British with a UK property rental and development business.

Founder of - “facilitating the sharing of best practice among UK landlords and associated professionals”

Happy to be interviewed on your Podcast, in Clubhouse, your YouTube channel and other online events.

My speciality is landlord tax planning and I head a team of 10 specialist Tax Consultants and four Tax Barristers. We are recruiting to meet demand.

I don’t offer mentoring or training as I am semi retired and enjoying a fantastic work/life balance, but I do comment frequently and answer questions posted here on Property118.