Larry Sweeney

Liverpool licensing returns to illegality

Liverpool licensing returns to illegality...

Regular readers of Property 118, will be no doubt familiar with the many failures by Liverpool Council with respect to their Landlord licensing revenue raising sham.  Firstly the lies peddled alleging...

Liverpool’s landlord prosecution!

Liverpool’s landlord prosecution!

After More than 18 months , Thousands of applications, Flawed application process, Data breaches and illegal Licence conditions, Liverpool city Council have secured their first Conviction under their City...

Liverpool Licensing and the Surveillance Comissioner

Liverpool Licensing and the Surveillance Comissioner...

It would now appear that Liverpool Landlord Licensing may now be on a collision course with the office of the surveillance commissioner. The Council in their conditions on ASB, and their insistence on...

The criminalisation of landlords by Durham Council

The criminalisation of landlords by Durham Council...

Every landlord should sit up and take note of the prosecution and conviction of Nichola Barker. Durham council prosecuted a law abiding citizen Mrs Barker for not having a reference for her tenant, when...

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Competition

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Competition...

Liverpool landlord Licensing is a deeply flawed process. I have exposed not only data breaches, but a breach in the 2015 de regulation act. The co regulators who are supposed to represent Landlords have...

Liverpool Landlord Licensing is deeper in the mire

Liverpool Landlord Licensing is deeper in the mire...

I in conjunction with Property 118 have been instrumental in exposing the flaws in this rotten licensing scheme. The RLA have stated that Liverpool made amendments because of their representations. The...

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Farce Continues

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Farce Continues...

Readers of property 118 will recall that the ICO ruled that the application form for Liverpool landlord licensing was deemed to be in breach of the data protection act. Furthermore the condition relating...

Flaws Exposed in Croydon Landlord Licensing

Flaws Exposed in Croydon Landlord Licensing...

In appreciation for all the emails of support I received from all over the country in regards to my exposure in the flaws of the blanket Selective Licensing of landlords in Liverpool I promised that...

Liverpool Landlords Call to Arms

Liverpool Landlords Call to Arms...

Last week I hosted a very successful meeting in Southport about the sham that is Liverpool”s Selective License scheme.  Liverpool Council have refused to acknowledge that the Information commissioner...

Even More Flaws In Liverpool Landlord Licensing Exposed

Even More Flaws In Liverpool Landlord Licensing Exposed...

This article was released exclusively on at 8pm on Thursday 26th May 2016, the same time as my presentation to landlords attending my Liverpool Landlords Emergency Meeting. Please feel...

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Falls Foul Of Deregulation Act

Liverpool Landlord Licensing Falls Foul Of Deregulation Act...

Not only does the application form for Liverpool Landlord Licensing fall foul of the Data Protection Act, the scheme rules also fall foul of the De-Regulation Act. I refer to condition 4 of their Landlord...

Registered with
Tuesday 24th May 2016

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