Larry Sweeney

Is the ICO fit for purpose?

Is the ICO fit for purpose?

The information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has serious questions to answer. The National Landlords alliance has written to her on behalf of its members and with respect to two specific complaints by...

The Alliance is Launched

The Alliance is Launched...

Let me Preface this by thanking Property118, Mark and Neil on behalf of all our members. Without Property118, it would not have been possible. The New Landlords Alliance, against all the odds has been...

Final call for members

Final call for members...

We were told that it could not be done. That landlords would not sign up, that the two main organisations had it sewn up. Wrong. The Alliance is good to go. I appeal to all those landlords who have sat...

Open Letter to Landlords and Shelter

Open Letter to Landlords and Shelter...

Landlords, Our sector is under attack like never before. Politicians and pressure groups who want to tax and regulate the PRS out of existence are causing unbelievable hardship for tenants. The new UK...

Government Homeless £20m Scheme

Government Homeless £20m Scheme...

The Government today launched a £20m scheme to be launched through Local authorities to alleviate the Homeless crisis. This scheme depends on and indeed needs the support of the PRS to work. Click here...

Getting in the Ring – New Landlords Association

Getting in the Ring – New Landlords Association...

The New National Landlords alliance, despite not being fully operational yet and awaiting the website build, has today got in to the ring to fight for landlords. See our tweet. We have written to Chancellor...

Newsflash – New Landlords Association

Newsflash – New Landlords Association...

News Flash – New Landlords association. To those who have pledged on this forum, but have not yet emailed us please email Thank you to those who have contacted us and...

New Landlord Association seeking pledges

New Landlord Association seeking pledges...

Update: Please now email your pledges to For the past 18 months, I have mulled over the idea of setting up a new National Landlords association. I won’t bore readers...

2 hours by Bicycle or Helicopter

2 hours by Bicycle or Helicopter...

I promised last week to update readers after the “end of the road” Offering. Now to Sheffield Council and their Partners The RLA. Sheffield have introduced their Selective Licensing Scam. I...

End of the Road

End of the Road...

Landlords are reeling, Punch Drunk from the sustained assaults by Central and local Government, not to mention hostile media articles suggesting huge swathes of landlords are preying on tenants offering...

Sefton Council and the Surveillance State

Sefton Council and the Surveillance State...

The surveillance state is something which we associate with Communist Soviet union, North Korea or East Germany. The Uk however, now has more CCTV cameras per head of population than any Western democracy.

Undermining the Judicial system

Undermining the Judicial system...

The onslaught against the PRS knows no Bounds. Sect 24 , Restrictions on the use of section 21, and of course the Flawed revenue raising Licensing schemes being implemented on the back of sham consultations.

‘Criminal Landlords’ – A term too easily bandied about!

‘Criminal Landlords’ – A term too easily bandied...

Too Often now that term ‘Criminal landlord’ is bandied about by ignorant politicians and Councils for political gain . It is a vendetta directed against the PRS. It is high time that the public...

Selective Licensing fails with Newham homeless crisis!

Selective Licensing fails with Newham homeless crisis!

Readers of Property 118 will be familiar with my opposition to Selective licensing. A revenue raising exercise for Bankrupt Councils. The onslaught on the PRS is now bearing fruit. The Sky News report...

Liverpool Council lose at Property Tribunal

Liverpool Council lose at Property Tribunal...

SWEENEY V LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL. FIRST TIER TRIBUNAL MANCHESTER CASE REF MAN/OOBY/HML/2016/0005. The tribunal has released its decision dated 22/6/2017. There were a number of arguments advanced in the...

The extraordinary developments at Liverpool city Council

The extraordinary developments at Liverpool city Council...

Readers of Property 118 will be familiar with the catalogue of disasters, data breaches, Illegal licensing conditions etc which have bedeviled the Authority since the introduction of their Landlord licensing...

Scandal of Local Authority remuneration

Scandal of Local Authority remuneration...

While the private sector must turn a profit in order to pay it’s staff and management team, things are very different in Local authority world. The Prime minister is left behind by approx. 539 heads...

Sweeney V Liverpool City Council

Sweeney V Liverpool City Council...

As predicted four days ago, the Tribunal released a decision , which is beyond comprehension ,unless one lives in Local authority world. I will summaries the decision of the the First Tier Tribunal Manchester...

Liverpool City Council – The sorry saga continues

Liverpool City Council – The sorry saga continues...

The saga of Liverpool Landlord licensing continues unabated. This Council have been taken to the First tier Tribunal because it has now come to light that Liverpool have been operating a two tier application...

Liverpool licensing returns to illegality

Liverpool licensing returns to illegality...

Regular readers of Property 118, will be no doubt familiar with the many failures by Liverpool Council with respect to their Landlord licensing revenue raising sham.  Firstly the lies peddled alleging...

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Tuesday 24th May 2016

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