Larry Sweeney

Politics and the Alliance

Politics and the Alliance...

When the landlords alliance was born just over 12 months ago, we never envisaged becoming so involved or advocating for any particular party. Our aim was simply to change the narrative. To stop the hate-fest...

NLA/RLA Merger – Stand and fight with us

NLA/RLA Merger – Stand and fight with us...

Last November the Alliance was formally launched. Around this time the NLA and RLA entered in to discussions to merge. On behalf of the Alliance, our steering committee and all our members nationwide I...

The Alliance position on Section 21

The Alliance position on Section 21...

The landlords Alliance as part of the Fair Possession Coalition met Lord Lytton in London some time back. We have carefully examined proposals to abolish Section 21 and have listened carefully to our members.

Liverpool landlord harassment – Shocking and horrific!

Liverpool landlord harassment – Shocking and horrific!

Some time back the Alliance was contacted by one of our members based in London. This landlord has a substantial portfolio in Liverpool. Mr Mxxxx was very distressed and angry and informed us that Liverpool...

The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen...

The Alliance promised to publish a list of rogue/non-compliant local authorities who have introduced selective licensing schemes. Our list is not exhaustive. We have spent a lot of time studying these...

The Alliance Housing Policy

The Alliance Housing Policy...

Following on from the onslaught against the PRS emanating from Government, Councils and other anti-landlord bodies, the Alliance has now published its housing policy. We have stated our case at the Fair...

Section 21 Summit Success

Section 21 Summit Success...

Following Theresa May’s announcement that she would abolish Section 21, the Alliance announced that it would hold an emergency summit in Manchester and invited other Landlord representative bodies.

Landlords Alliance – Emergency Euro Elections Statement

Landlords Alliance – Emergency Euro Elections Statement...

The Landlords Alliance was set up to represent and fight for private landlords. We never planned or envisaged getting into politics; yet events have forced us to confront reality. May’s failed administration...

Newsflash – Landlords Alliance to make major statement next week

Newsflash – Landlords Alliance to make major statement...

Firstly, I would like to welcome our new members who joined over the last few weeks. Your support is vital to our cause. The Alliance will be releasing a major press statement next week with further progress.

Landlords victory

Landlords victory...

After a long dialogue representatives of Sefton council finally met the landlords Alliance. First let me state that the Sefton team were Welcoming, helpful and constructive. It was not a case of us fighting...

National Landlords Alliance meets Sefton Council

National Landlords Alliance meets Sefton Council...

Wednesday 1st May, a delegation from the National Landlords Alliance held a meeting with Sefton council. The Alliance delegation consisted of Larry Sweeney, Councillor John Bullock National chair of the...

The No Dss Debate – Landlords Alliance advice

The No Dss Debate – Landlords Alliance advice...

The National Landlords Alliance does not advocate contravening legislation so where the law says that ‘No Dss’ ads contravene equality legislation we must not use the terminology. Now for some...

Section 21 – Emergency meeting and joint delegation

Section 21 – Emergency meeting and joint delegation...

The National landlords Alliance, while profoundly disagreeing with the approach of the NLA and RLA, believe that we should all put our differences aside and hold an emergency summit without delay to discuss...

Make for the Exit

Make for the Exit...

When the Alliance was born last year, one of the first points we made was about the inevitable abolition of Section 21. Sadly it has now come to pass on the back of lies purveyed by fools. We stated that...

Abject Failure of the ICO is beyond belief

Abject Failure of the ICO is beyond belief...

The Landlords Alliance along with several of our members formally complained to the Information Commissioner about the application process for a selective licence from Sefton council. In essence our concerns...

Urgent action required – MoJ Enforcement of Possession orders consultation

Urgent action required – MoJ Enforcement of Possession...

The newly formed National Landlords Alliance has submitted proposals to the ministry of Justice concerning possession procedures. From the moment we set up, we identified the problems being faced by landlords...

Sefton trial case – Landlords Alliance

Sefton trial case – Landlords Alliance...

As a matter of urgency, we ask all members and Property118 readers to email the information commissioner: The basis of our complaint is that, as landlords we cannot sign up to...

Landlords Alliance under laughing stock ICO investigation!

Landlords Alliance under laughing stock ICO investigation!

Our members and P118 readers will be aware that we have alerted the information commissioner with respect to mass data GDPR breaches by local authorities. Furthermore we are now receiving complaints from...

Landlords Alliance progress report

Landlords Alliance progress report...

The new Landlords Alliance has only been operating a few months and we would like to say to all our members and to P118 a huge Thank You. We have been working hard investigating these horrible greedy organisations...

Is the ICO fit for purpose?

Is the ICO fit for purpose?

The information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham has serious questions to answer. The National Landlords alliance has written to her on behalf of its members and with respect to two specific complaints by...

Registered with
Tuesday 24th May 2016

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