Big Blue

Why Polish Tenants Like UK Landlords

Why Polish Tenants Like UK Landlords...

I’m doing a major refurbishment at the moment on a house tenanted by a new Polish tenant. His family will be joining him from Poland soon, when the works are done. Today I asked him why he/Polish...

Conservatives Betray Their Own – Open Letter @iancowie

Conservatives Betray Their Own – Open Letter @iancowie...

Open Letter to Ian Cowie of The Sunday Times  Dear Mr. Cowie, I am the leader of the Conservatives on my local authority who has never had a reason to doubt the Conservative leaders in 33 years of membership.

My Rent Rise Letters

My Rent Rise Letters...

Over the last few weeks I’ve been growing increasingly nervous about the prospect of sending out the inevitable rent rise letters to my tenants. Additional tax levies are always passed onto the consumer,

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Wednesday 2nd September 2015

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