
Self Closing Fire Doors – Issues in HMO’s

Self Closing Fire Doors – Issues in HMO’s...

As all good HMO Landlords know, it is compulsory to have self closing fire doors. Now, I’m not disparaging of their purpose in an HMO – protection for the rest of the house should a tenant start a...

Update on Eastbourne HMO Project

Update on Eastbourne HMO Project...

My Eastbourne HMO project is almost at a close so I thought I’d bring you up to speed so you can see for yourself if running an HMO is suitable for you. Nine out of ten rooms are let at an average of...

HMO viewing appointments

HMO viewing appointments...

Part Three in HMOLandlady’s series of articles that started with Setting up an HMO from Scratch and Finding Tenants for an HMO. This week she shares her stories and frustrations at actually getting...

Finding Tenants for an HMO

Finding Tenants for an HMO...

Following last week’s article on setting up an HMO from scratch I’m reporting on the last week’s activities which were pretty much devoted to finding tenants. As promised I have also included pictures...

Setting up an HMO from scratch by @HMOlandlady

Setting up an HMO from scratch by @HMOlandlady...

So, I’m doing what I promised I’d never do – manage some else’s HMOs. Over the years I understood why lettings agents were sniffy about HMOs and the amount of time managing the house demanded in...

HMO Landlady’s casting couch story

HMO Landlady’s casting couch story...

If you’ve been reading my blog posts or run an HMO yourself, you’ll already know that the quest for affordable rooms is on the up.  This is partly due to the changes this year in LHA for people aged...

Phone-y war – It hasn’t always been like this…

Phone-y war – It hasn’t always been like this…...

This article ponders on how tenant/landlord communication has changed over the years. It was sparked by a conversation with my daughter’s father over her seemingly rude texts last weekend. Her: “Don’t...

I Should Have Known Better

I Should Have Known Better...

After moving into my ex-HMO and refurbishing it last year, I decided that I wanted an open fire or woodburner. I’ve always wanted one and seemed to have come so close a few times but then sold a house...

HMO Landlady Becomes  A Letting Agent!!

HMO Landlady Becomes A Letting Agent!!

Last summer I met a very well heeled friend for lunch and listened as she commiserated her devastating investment losses over the past couple of years. She said “I need to get into property! It’s the...

To Insure or not to Insure? That is the Question

To Insure or not to Insure? That is the Question...

January heralds house insurance renewal month. Every year I promise to get excited about it, compare quotes and wallow for the next year in the knowledge that I’ve secured the most competitive deal.

The Pointless Housing Benefit Helpline

The Pointless Housing Benefit Helpline...

I’ve just come off the phone to our local housing benefit “help” line, scraped myself off the ceiling and stopped terrifying the handyman (who is putting up shelves) with my expletives. Based on...

HMO Landlady Sacks Tenant

HMO Landlady Sacks Tenant...

Continuing on the maintenance theme (somehow I think this could be ongoing!), I’m in the midst of a continuing dilemma: Tom has been a tenant for 4 years after being referred to me by the Salvation...

Pondering Article Four – Stick It On The Students!

Pondering Article Four – Stick It On The Students!

I was going to write a piece about what to do when an HMO tenant goes AWOL (Absent Without Leave) and disappears off the face the earth.  As an “exciting” read as that sounds, I’d rather pick up...

Maintenance Men – Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without Them!

Maintenance Men – Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without...

A couple of weeks ago I started a discussion thread on Property Tribes about the trials and tribulations of dealing with trades in terms of property maintenance. It started out as a bit of a rant after...

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