As a Landlord in the General Election I intend to vote for:

As a Landlord in the General Election I intend to vote for:

14:07 PM, 4th November 2019, About 5 years ago 113

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With an impending General Election and none of the established political parties vying for the Landlord vote, will it be a case of holding your nose and supporting the least worst option?

As a snap shot for the PRS please be our guest in completing our polls below for who you would consider now and who you voted for in the last election.

If you would like to, please also let us know in the comments section below your reason for intending to cast that vote, and why you have changed your mind from 2017 if indeed you have.

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The Forever Tenant

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21:00 PM, 10th November 2019, About 5 years ago

If their previous manifesto is anything to go by, the new one will contain detailed information of exactly where they will obtain the funds to pay for everything.

Guess we will see in a week or so.

Richard Adams

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21:09 PM, 10th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Dennis Leverett at 10/11/2019 - 20:21
Dennis, whatever Labour say about repaying the huge debt they will for 100% sure run up they won't do it. It will be left to an incoming Conservative government to sort out who will then get blamed, as some contributors to this thread are already saying, for austerity. Doesn't anyone study history and learn lessons from it any more?
The NHS is rearing its head in the posts with the old chestnut that only Labour can be trusted with it being trotted out. Against the perception that the Conservatives will privatise/sell off to Trump and other unfounded scares it is worth remembering that Blair's Labour government through its Private - note the word - Funding Initiative saddled NH Trusts with the enormous debts they are having to service today for the building of hospitals etc during his time as PM. Money being paid in interest could instead be employing nurses, buying much needed modern equipment etc etc. Pot calling kettle black.

Dennis Leverett

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22:59 PM, 10th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Richard Adams at 10/11/2019 - 21:09
I absolutely agree Richard. I don't understand how people can't see the benefits of recent austerity, I know it has been tough but we the people have done it and now all that hard work could be destroyed by what can only be described as a fiasco election that will have no benefit unless Tories get a large majority. Sadly that's unlikely and things will be a lot worse than before with no decisions being made about anything including Brexit. So frustrating. The NHS where I am I have to say is fantastic, can't fault it having had to use it recently as has my wife, sadly not so in other areas and have to ask why?


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23:13 PM, 10th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Dennis Leverett at 10/11/2019 - 18:36
I too would like to see him give away his 80% fortune he made, well that also depends if you were Bill Gates, then even after giving away 80% you might still be left with millions, most of us can live very comfortably if you had a million pounds in a bank, I guess when one is able to give away 80% of his wealth away for any cause, that money must have come at the expense of blood and sweat of others, and through exploitation, through shear luck, etc etc, so why should those who sweated out and worked hard for every penny, which they earned it, should then give 80% away to layabouts, lazy, benefit cheats and benefit claiming culture.

Most people who become homeless because they took no real responsibility to earn a living, to save, they live and enjoy their lives to the full like there was no tomorrow, and blew all their wages on leisure and holidays, they had not planned to save any money for a rainy day, or -plan their future, gave important things least priorities, the most important thing is not having fun and holidays, but a roof over your head.

To many this is their least priority, thanks to our stupid highly biased housing laws, I had a tenant who had money to buy 4 cans of Tenants super lager 9% alcohol a day, yet he never had enough change left to pay his rent and ran up large rent arrears, but he always had enough money to buy his drinks and cigarettes, and the most expensive foods, held many parties, bought presents for his wife, but had no money to pay for his rent, needless to say I kicked him out through courts and bailiffs, I could not care less for layabouts like him sleeping rough and in cold, those are the kind who do not deserve any sympathy unless you are a true Christian, so I think the guy wanting to give away 80% should vote for a Christian party rather than socialist party.

Arnie Newington

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9:06 AM, 11th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Labour know that tenants are more likely to vote labour and owner occupiers are more likely to vote tory. The idea that labour are going to introduce policies to create more Tory voting owner occupiers is unlikely.

I think John McDonnell is just grandstanding whilst the tories have calculated that landlords are collateral damage and will vote for them anyway.

Rob Thomas

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13:23 PM, 11th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Denise G at 10/11/2019 - 15:42
Hi Denise

I plan to vote Conservative at this election and I do care about my fellow man. I want the NHS to be as good as possible. I want people to have decent housing. I don't doubt that Jeremy Corbyn cares deeply for the disadvantaged but the problem is this. He is fully bought into an ideology that the state can solve every problem and that the state must take control of as much of the economy as possible.

We have seen exactly what happens when a 'true' socialist takes power in Venezuela. One of the world's largest oil producers, the country has been bankrupted by policies introduced by leaders claiming to represent the poor. The health service there has practically collapsed. The UN has said that 4 million people have fled the country.

Just to take one example of how Corbyn would make things worse, look at the PRS. Labour says it wants rent controls: we know what this will do - it will cause many landlords to sell up leaving an army of newly homeless tenants. How can that be a positive development?

So, Denise your caring approach is very laudable but don't be fooled into thinking that Corbyn will put people above ideology. He has been a committed 'socialist' (Marxist) all his life. Whatever the question is he believes state control is the answer.

To take another example, Labour has said they will end the use of private firms supplying patient services for the NHS. If a private firm can supply some services (e.g. mobile screening units) better and cheaper than the NHS itself, that benefits patients (it's still free at the point if use). But for ideological reasons Labour would end it even though patients will suffer. Is that what you want Denise?


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13:27 PM, 11th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Mohammed Asghar at 09/11/2019 - 16:30
You are kidding me - right?


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1:05 AM, 13th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Like so many, I will vote Tory because they are the least worst. They have been shafted over Brexit by the EU, which refused for no coherent reason to negotiate a free trade deal at the same time as reaching a withdrawal agreement. This "sequencing" has led to everything we've seen in the fiasco of the last Parliament. The Tories' general management of the economy and mild "austerity" (a.k.a. trying to live within your means) has been moderately competent and got us down to "only" a 2% deficit, whilst substantially increasing income tax thresholds and minimum wages and providing an environment in which businesses have created millions of new jobs, so they ought to be given credit for that..

The Tory's handling of the PRS had been very poor, but what's the alternative? Old Labour are far worse and are utterly clueless about valuing and trying to promote private businesses. Corbyn's reply in 2017 to a woman who asked him what Labour offered her as the owner of a small business was "you should be grateful for knowing the good your taxes are doing", or words to that effect. Typical sanctimonious claptrap. And the Lib Dems? I used to vote for them, but they've swung wildly to the left and are trying to out-bid Labour and even the Greens, pandering to the usual motley special-interest members of the Client State. Where are the business-friendly policies from the Lib Dems? Hopeless! They are really just an offshoot of Labour now, which has all but abandoned southern England outside the city state that is London.

Boris Johnson is a One Nation Tory who's been forced to act more ruthlessly than his natural inclination, just to get Brexit done. He was a great success as London Mayor, with policies to match and the ability simply to cheer people up. If he can get a good majority, I think he will make a fine and popular PM.

KD South East

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16:10 PM, 13th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Deficit is not the same as national debt. If you reduce public spending to the bone, as has happened in the last decade, then the deficit is of course lower. The recent pledges by the Conservatives to increase police numbers, and spending on the NHS etc (that are necessary and long overdue) will increase the deficit again.
The international financial crash in 2008 wasn't Labours fault and of course the economy was damaged and at a low point when the Tories took over in 2010.
National debt has been growing throughout the past decade. You can see from the chart in the link that it was pretty stable under Labour till 2008.

Richard Adams

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17:07 PM, 13th November 2019, About 5 years ago

Reply to the comment left by KD South East at 13/11/2019 - 16:10
You're quite right KD South East that Labour did not cause the international financial crash in 2008 which I may have implied in a previous post. Apologies. However Gordon Brown saw it coming which has since been revealed and took zero steps to mitigate its impact, like stopped or at least slowed down spending. The crash would have been less severe had he not carried on as if nothing had happened. Remember the famous remark when Labour lost the 2010 GE and their First Secretary of the Treasury told incoming Chancellor Osborne "There is zero money in the pot". That is Labour's regular ongoing through the ages mismanagement of money in stark reality. Will be the same this time but much worse if McDonnell gets his hands on the cheque book.

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