Announcing the 2023 Property Mastermind Scholarship and your chance to win

Announcing the 2023 Property Mastermind Scholarship and your chance to win

10:25 AM, 17th July 2023, About 2 years ago

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Once a year, we award a fully paid scholarship to one lucky person, to join our 12-month Property Mastermind.

Today the search has begun, for the 2023 Scholarship winner, and it could be you.

I have recorded a short webinar for you, to explain what is involved in this life-changing scholarship, how you can increase your chances of being selected as the winner, and how to apply.

For a chance to win this incredible opportunity, come and have a look at this now.

Register your place

Over the past 16 years of running my Property Mastermind, we have had many experienced investors join the programme, who have in just 12 months, double up their portfolio which might have previously taken then 10 to 15 years to build.

As well as this life-changing scholarship, there are 20 runner-up prizes, so plenty of chances for you to win, but to be in with a chance of being selected as the scholarship winner, you need to watch the webinar, and then apply.

This is a genuine prize worth almost £20k that someone will win and it could be you if you take action now and seize this opportunity. I do hope you seize this opportunity.

Invest with knowledge, invest with Skill

P.S. I do hope you seize this opportunity and enter the scholarship because it could be the lucky break you have been waiting for, but it is down to you to seize the opportunity.

Register your place

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