Angela Rayner wants to ‘work in partnership’ with PRS landlords

Angela Rayner wants to ‘work in partnership’ with PRS landlords

9:54 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago 27

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The deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner told delegates at the Labour Party conference that she wanted to ‘work in partnership’ with PRS and social landlords to deliver ‘decent and safe’ homes.

She said: “Many housing associations, councils and landlords do good by their tenants and I know how hard they’ve had it after 14 years under the Tories.

“Which is why I will work in partnership with the sector to deliver the change.”

Ms Rayner added: “Our renters’ bill will rebalance the relationship between tenant and landlord and end no-fault evictions – for good.

“Our long-term plan will free leaseholders from the tyranny of a mediaeval system.

“And a cross-government taskforce will put Britain back on track to ending homelessness.”

Extend Awaab’s law to the PRS

She added: “I will clamp down on damp and mouldy homes by bringing in Awaab’s Law in the social rented sector this autumn and we’ll extend it to the private rented sector too.

“We will consult and implement a new Decent Homes Standard for social and privately rented homes, to end the scandal of homes being unfit to live in.”

Along with a promise to enable social housing tenants to hold their landlord to account Ms Rayner lambasted the Tories for failing to build homes ‘year, after year’.

She said: “Michael Gove handed back nearly £2 billion to the Treasury in unspent housing funds. Mortgages have soared.

“Leaseholders are left at the mercy of eye-watering charges.

“Renters face crippling rent hikes in damp and mouldy homes. Homelessness is all around us.”

Fix the ‘Tories’ housing emergency’

Ms Rayner promised to fix the ‘Tories’ housing emergency’ and get Britain building decent homes for working people.

There will be a new planning framework to deliver affordable homes and deliver ‘the biggest boost to social and affordable housing in a generation’.

She told delegates at the conference in Liverpool: “My mission is not just to build houses; it is to build homes.

“Because we cannot build at any cost. These new homes must be warm, secure and most importantly safe.”

Give landlords confidence

On Twitter/X, Ben Beadle, the chief executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, said: “These reforms at least give certainty, but must be very carefully balanced between giving renters greater security and landlords confidence to stay in the market.

“We are in the middle of a housing crisis with 21 applicants per property – this is unlikely to improve if there are not some modifications to the Bill on implementation, court reform, students and refinements to possession grounds.

“You cannot say you are giving landlords more robust grounds when the mandatory rent arrears ground will see a doubling of notice periods from two to four weeks, and three months of rent arrears not two. It sends the wrong message.”

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10:41 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

Sends the wrong message exactly. Condoning people to live without paying bills ....erm is that the sort of society this government wants ? Why not tell the tenant to not pay the gas/electric/water bills as well ?

dismayed landlord

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11:27 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

and here we have it -- ''“Because we cannot build at any cost. These new homes must be warm, secure and most importantly safe.” -- the get out clause.

Property One

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11:27 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

How two faced can you be? Well AR shows you.

Where is the security for the LL with a periodic tenancy? The costs of advertising and bringing in a new tenant are about 2k, forget about the time involved.

Is this a fair and level playing field?

I can only think as the costs and risks go up so too will the rent. Consequences of bad systems and both LL and tenants will pay


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11:45 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

I think you will be looking over a year .
The system worked like this for my last section 8 .
Serve Notice,
Tenant sends Paperwork back Return to sender.
Initial Hearing , No tenant attending
More paperwork sent out Returned saying he was dead.
2nd Hearing No tenant attending
Possession Notice issued 6 weeks (think over Christmas)
Tenant not left ,
Apply for Bailiffs
Tenant Receives Bundle advising Eviction Date
Bundle includes Document advising Tenant to Give it a Go it wont cost you a penny , Call Solicitors . To stop Eviction.
Solicitor takes Statement from Tenant to form Defence (I don`t think there was any necessity to obtain an honest statement . (I believe it was over the Phone)
Legal Aid Solicitors appear to have Guidelines of tactics to stop /Delay evictions which include alleging Repairs ,getting the Council to do a HSSR inspection to find a reason for non payment of rent.
Next Court date 20 Minutes Nothing Discussed arrange date for another Hearing in the future
six months wait for Court hearing of over the Phone 6 weeks
Morning of hearing contacted by Defence Solicitor advising not followed full Protocol on initial Form hence liable for costs , (The Form had been seen and accepted by 3 Judges by this time . )
Agree to suspended Possession Tenant agrees to pay rent plus amount of arrears .
Tenant does not Pay
Back to Court
Apply for Bailiffs
On Day of eviction Citizens advise contact court With Breathing Space
Tenant still not paying
8 weeks later out of breathing space apply for Bailiff's again
another 8 weeks get Bailiffs again .
Take Possession of Property .
Rent arrears by this time approx. £16000
Plus Costs and time


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11:46 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

If the government wishes to work with landlords, start by discarding the Renters (Reform) Bill and start again, this time building a new bill in consultation with landlords.


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12:31 PM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

Reply to the comment left by Northernpleb at 23/09/2024 - 11:45
This echoes my experience, and no doubt that of many others. Generally now nearly 2 years to get an eviction for a misbehaving tenant.
Never again will I take a tenant who qualifies for legal aid.

Cider Drinker

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12:47 PM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

The Tories housing crisis is more of an EU or WEF housing crisis.
The EU’s open borders policy has allowed (encouraged) mass migration. This is the number one cause of homelessness in the U.K.
The people gave the government the power to secure our borders when they voted for Brexit. The Conservatives chose not to. Labour are choosing not to.

Cider Drinker

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12:50 PM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

Reply to the comment left by TheMaluka at 23/09/2024 - 11:46
Labour don’t want to work with landlords. They want to work with their sock puppets at the NRLA.

Cider Drinker

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12:51 PM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

Reply to the comment left by TheMaluka at 23/09/2024 - 12:31
You never know which tenants will qualify for legal aid. Even a highly paid pillar of Society can lose their jobs and qualify for help.

dismayed landlord

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12:58 PM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

Reply to the comment left by Northernpleb at 23/09/2024 - 11:45
I can only imagine the stress and difficulties that must cause. I have had similar but never 2 years of not paying. It would have bankrupted me. I can say that the relief that one the last one was eventually rehoused I was beyond words. I did not realise just how much it had been affecting my mental, physical and lifestyle until they were going. Even after the news I was not believing it.
At this point I knew the remaining 2 out of an initial 19 were going. I am never ever going through that again.
My health and my family's well being (it affected us all as I was affected so much by it) will never be worth any amount of money.
S21 already has issues, as has been mentioned many times before by loads of us on here, however the threat of banning it is the last straw. I have served notice on decent tenants now and feel a bit guilty but, you know what? I feel so much better. I'll never be a landlord again. Let the corporations, councils, and government sort it.
I'll not have anyone dictating me how I can use something I pay for or have paid for tell me what I can and cannot do. I did not stand on my own two feet, sacrificed lots of things to be kicked in the teeth.

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