Alliance Solution for Housing benefit tenants

Alliance Solution for Housing benefit tenants

20:33 PM, 12th November 2018, About 6 years ago 57

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Last Week, the newly formed Landlords Alliance came up with a unique and simple solution, to help housing benefit tenants in to new homes. We proposed that Shelter act as guarantor for housing benefit tenants. It should be remembered that this £60 Million charity offers advice, but houses nobody.

They employ over 1000 and their CEO earns over £120k. Shelter therefore could very easily offer real and practical help by offering to bond tenants. £60 M equals 15000 bonds if each guarantee was worth £4K. Obviously the majority of these tenants are good decent people, therefore the bond would not be called in. Yes imagine 15000 families empowered .

Our plan was immediately supported by hundreds of landlords and even better Karen Buck Labour MP also supported us on twitter. We thanked Karen as support flooded in with emails from benefit tenants thanking us for supporting them. Imagine our surprise and horror, when this MP then deleated her support and blocked us. This is cruel and shocking. A few weeks short of Christmas, a plan to given thousands of benefit tenants a shouting chance of a new home and the MP who liked our plan, changes her mind and offers no explanation to these people. Was Shelter involved in her decision to recant?

Did she regret her support because it might have annoyed Shelter? Who knows. Shelter instead prefer to whine about discrimination against DSS tenants.

The reality is that Landlords must pay mortages. Benefit tenants rent is paid monthly in arrears,while private tenants pay in advance. Private tenants have deposits, while very often benefit tenants do not. Landlords decisions therefore, are not based on bias, but based on commercial reality. Agents also have faced the wrath and ire of Shelter, accused of discrimination for simply acting in the best interests of their clients.

The media meanwhile have acted disgracefully like vultures sweeping in to eat the carcasses of these vile agents. This atmosphere of negativity, bile and hate can be laid at the door of Shelter.

We stepped in to de escalate this crisis. Our solution provided security for landlords and tenants alike. Are Shelter saying that housing benefit tenants are not to be trusted? Our landlords are willing to give them parity of treatment with private tenants, if the bond was forthcoming. The rent delays, payments in arrears, no credit history etc would be overlooked. Our plan was scuppered.

Who blocked it and why? Surely these tenants who have had their hopes of moving dashed before Christmas, deserve an explanation. Finally we are not interested in excuses.

We again demand that this Charity stand as Guarantor for benefit tenants. To say they assist by offering advise, does not cut the mustard. It is shameful. Real support and action is what is needed.

We are waiting, our landlords are ready and waiting but most importantly thousands of tenants are waiting

What is Shelter doing ?

And Where is Karen Buck MP?

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Dr Rosalind Beck

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8:32 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

I don't understand either why Shelter will not guarantee rents and potential damage by tenants on benefits as I believe it was Greg Beales who wrote recently that tenants on benefits posed no more risk than any other tenant client group. I didn't see that he or anyone else had any research or evidence to back this up, but nevertheless it must be the 'position' of Shelter. So it would be pretty risk-free according to them to offer these guarantees. It wouldn't cost the money Larry suggested above -as that would only be payable if the worst happened and Shelter was wrong about this. Using these guarantees, a far larger number of tenants than that stated above (presumably all the tenants on benefits in the UK) could also be 'helped into housing' - which Shelter often says is its mission (rather than providing housing of course); because it would only be rare for a tenant to default and not pay the rent or cause damage. They really need to clarify why they are not offering these guarantees - they expect landlords to shoulder all this risk (that they say is practically non-existent), but won't do it themselves. Trying to push for others to take on risks that you baulk at taking on yourself is hypocritical to say the least.

John McKay

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8:42 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

It's rare for me to comment here but I feel inclined to ask Giles why he is so focused on whether a tweet was liked or not. Frankly I think it's completely irrelevant. Please could you enlighten me Giles?
Shelter have stated there is no greater risk of housing HB tenants compared with non HB, and are campaigning to say that not accepting such is discriminatory. They're even using harassment of letting agents as a tool, and to be honest I hope those agents take them to court and sue them.
However if they feel that HB tenants and the system supporting them are so good then I think Larry's idea is a superb one. If they truly believe the risk is so small then why wouldn't they buy into it?? Why are you against it Mr Peaker? What possible reason could you have to object to such a plan?
And lastly (and to be honest this is probably why I feel compelled to comment today), on Twitter I informed you of a whopper of a lie that Shelter are guilty of. As someone who is so concerned with facts and truth are you now ready to accept that Shelter are liars? When you can admit that they are I'll tell you of another one of their occurrences of straying from the straight and narrow path of truthfulness.

Giles Peaker

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9:15 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by John McKay at 13/11/2018 - 08:42
John. My concern is with Larry being incorrect about Karen Buck and claiming her support. Don’t you think that is a problem?

We had a long and tedious discussion on twitter. I’m not going through that again.

John McKay

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9:33 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Giles Peaker at 13/11/2018 - 09:15Like I said Giles I think the whole 'like' or 'not like' is a complete waste of time. Let's just call it a misunderstanding as you're allowing it to detract from far more important things.
It really wasn't that long an interchange on Twitter Giles, a few tweets only so I'm surprised you find it tedious.
I have repeatedly informed you of the whopper of a lie that Shelter have disseminated far and wide, so it's most odd that you are so concerned with whether Larry is lying or not over liking a tweet, but ignore the fact that the biggest housing 'charity' in the country is guilty of something with huge implications.
So my questions to you are:
1. Why is whether Larry is lying so important to you when Shelter's fibs completely outweigh anything Larry may have done?
2. Why are you still avoiding admitting that Shelter are liars?

3. Would you like to know of another one of this faux charity's deviations from the truth? I mean you must want to defend them surely?
4. Do you support Larry's idea of Shelter acting as guarantors to HB tenants when they have stated this category as being of no greater risk than private tenants?
5. If you don't then why not? It makes perfect sense.
6. Lastly, because I'm curious, do you think that Shelter is right in encouraging people to harass people going about their lawful business? I ask because, as I understand it, you are from the profession that specialises in the upholding of the law.

Annie Landlord

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9:45 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

I follow the Alliance on Twitter and have never seen this tweet Karen Buck was supposed to have liked. Why doesn't Larry just post it here? I have seen Larry 'like' tweets from someone supporting Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage and someone criticising the Conservatives. The Alliance cannot engage in that sort of political comment and expect to be taken seriously. As someone who spent an entire career working for charities, I know how long it takes for major charities to get any change of direction through its Board and Members, so don't hold your breath. Shelter is not likely to become a guarantor. Maybe better to go after councils, who could offer a deposit arrangement via insurance? I'm pleased that Larry has dropped the personal attacks on Polly Neate, presumably he has received legal advice on that. I'm certainly no fan of the CEO or the way she is running Shelter, but a campaign of personal attacks was always the wrong approach.

Annie Landlord

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9:52 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Oh, and the Alliance liked a tweet from the Israeli Defence Force yesterday, supporting the attack on Gaza. PLEASE separate your personal opinions from those of the Alliance

Joe Robertson

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10:17 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

#Karenbuckmp. Liked our idea see tweets , that #Shelter act as guarantor to assist #benefit tenants in to homes. Shelter have instructed Karen Buck to block us, which she had done as ,Shelter are not prepared to take any real measures.

Do you know for sure that Shelter instructed Karen to block you? Its comments like this which will make you lose credibility. #fakenews

J.McBean Lodger Landlords Association.

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10:36 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Giles Peaker at 12/11/2018 - 21:11
I have to agree after my 2 years developing key relationships within government and the prs I have noticed an increasing amount of people that have decided to make themselves the answer without any real substance and therefore position themselves opposed to those that might help them, if Karen Buck endorsed him it wouldn't soley be a like

Sean Graveney

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10:47 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Would it not have been better to engage with Karen Buck instead of the first interaction being a strange assertion that she is a supporter despite her clearly stating that she isn’t and requesting that you stop saying as much. The nonsensical accusation of her being leaned on by Shelter will not have endeared the Alliance to her and I’d say that route of lobbying is now firmly closed. So what now? When some things appear untrue you begin to doubt what else is and I find it hard to believe that hundreds of supportive emails from landlords and tenants were received in such a short period of time.

John Dace

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10:57 AM, 13th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Anyone seen Shelters sickly ad on tv? Wants everyone to send them £5? I wanted to laugh but felt too sick! The most brazen attempt to dupe money out of good people on a one sided lie. How can they get away with it? A very sad child playing in bedroom one minute - next minute homeless. But chances are -for months leading up to that day parents didnt pay rent? Expecting (and being encouraged by Shelter) to stay - not paying a penny. Oh and that £5 we all to a send to a ‘charity’ to help..... will that provide a new bedroom for the child? No of course not! Outrageous! Landlords very rarely want to evict good tenants.
They may be forced into doing so more now only because of unfair and unecesary attacks on thier businesses from Councils and Government. Shelter is making the situation worse not better.
Shelter - Put your (considerable) money where your mouth is and accept the Alliances suggestion to underwrite the very responsible, hard working parents of children like the one in the ad.

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