Abandoned Property and keys left?

Abandoned Property and keys left?

10:51 AM, 17th March 2016, About 9 years ago 12

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A little while ago I asked property118 for advice on evicting a tenant, we contacted Landlord Action and we have served a Sec 21 and now two Sec 8’s (they forgot to deduct the deposit which the tenant told us to use).abandonment

Two weeks ago I had a call from the tenant to say he had left the property to ‘take care of some business in London’ but would come back to the flat to clear the remaining personal items. This he told me would be done by last weekend ( 12/13th March). He also advised me that he was happy for me to re-advertise and that I could enter the flat to check things were OK.

This my husband and I did on Saturday 5th March with the estate agent. Most of the furniture had gone and there were several black sacks which I didn’t look in, probably some clothes of his. The flat was in good condition.

Since then, he has not been back to the flat and we think he cannot be bothered now that he is back in London. He has not replied to two texts I have sent asking him if he’s coming back to clear his stuff. There are lots of letters in his post box, mainly official looking ones, which, as he owes money all over, must be debt collection.

The estate agent that will be marketing the flat again has suggested we place an ‘abandonment’ notice on the door.

I am not really happy about this but it doesn’t look as if the tenant is coming back, he left some keys with his nephew (our friend) but probably has a set of his own with him.

How long do we leave this empty flat and how much time do we give him if he’s not been in touch with us? Would it be best to go to court when the new section 8 expires in 2 weeks?

Thanks and any advice much appreciated.


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Sally Tattersall

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14:15 PM, 28th November 2018, About 6 years ago

Reply to the comment left by Michael Holmes at 28/11/2018 - 13:57
Try the mother again and perhaps take any belongings left behind to her? I bet she knows where her daughter is and is trying to protect her. Could be they are worried you will chase for the rent.

Difficult really to know.

Michael Holmes

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16:21 PM, 28th November 2018, About 6 years ago

HReply to the comment left by Sally Tattersall at 28/11/2018 - 14:15Hello Sally
Still no answer to the question of who do I serve the notice to in the absence of a tenant. The mother has a load of problems of her own, her son tried to commit suicide last week and he is also a junkie, so she really is not up for any more s**t coming her way. Dumping a dozen bin bags of clothing on her doorstep is not an answer I am afraid. It might even tip her over the edge. I will see if I can get any info. from the SS, You never know.
Mike Holmes

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