Can I break my PSL lease due to a tenant’s ASB?

Can I break my PSL lease due to a tenant’s ASB?

9:59 AM, 20th January 2025, About 3 hours ago 2

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Hi, I have recently joined the private sector leasing scheme (PSL) with my local council to help house local families.

When I met with the housing officer, I stipulated that I would only be interested in signing up, if they could guarantee that the tenant, didn’t have a criminal record, wasn’t an ex-convict or had a history of drug abuse. I was told, verbally, that a tenant placed in my flat, (small block of 9 flats) would not be any of the above.

Since the new tenant arrived, he has displayed anti-social behavior in many ways. The police have been called by other tenants, who suspect that he is dealing drugs from the property due to endless visitors from early evening until midnight — often arriving on bikes or scooters and wearing hoodies.

One resident found a homeless woman sat on the stairs in the communal area, surrounded by plastic bags and credits cards. She is well known to the police for drug abuse and shoplifting.

Am I in a position to break from the 24 months Lease Agreement that I signed in October?

I have reported the tenants behaviour to the council officer I set up the agreement with, but they are slow to respond. My main question being, the tenant needs to move on for several reasons. The other residents feel unsafe, security into the block is now compromised, parcels have gone missing. Too many things to mention!

Please can someone advise on what to do next?



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11:12 AM, 20th January 2025, About 2 hours ago

Hi Tracey, sorry to hear this however as a former council housing officer I am unsurprised!
Am I correct that none of the 'suitable tenant' criteria that you had discussed with the housing officer ie no ex offenders, history of drug abuse etc were ever agreed to in writing? Is there a break clause in the Lease agreement?
If not contact the Service Director for the Housing/ Homeless Team and explain that as a new (?) Landlord working with the council, you are considering removing yourself from the PSL scheme due to the concerns about the current tenant whom you are minded to serve notice on for breaching their tenancy agreement (' quiet enjoyment of other tenants' possible illegal activities etc).
Ask them what suitability checks did they conduct on the tenant ie any Risk Assessments and were they aware of any criminal convictions / engagement with probation or substance misuse services by the tenant PRIOR to the tenancy commencing? Of course in accordance with GDPR they may refuse to provide this information but stipulate you are not asking for specifics but a general overview to gauge suitability checks conducted by the housing officers responsible for assigning the tenancy to this tenant. All too often, Council housing/ homeless officers are overly concerned with 'getting rid of' their homeless cases by discharging them into the private sector without consideration of whether the tenant has issues which would significantly negatively impact other tenants/ occupants in the accommodation.
Its important Tracey that you remember at all times that THE COUNCIL NEED YOU AND OTHER PRIVATE LANDLORDS! Not the other way 'round! Good luck and best wishes

Kris with a T

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11:22 AM, 20th January 2025, About 2 hours ago

I think that when an landlird signs an agreement with LA it's important that a break clause is included regardless.
Unfortunately if the LA is to evict it is a long process.
And yes, LA's need landlords but I would suggest forming a ltd company before letting out property due to tax advantages.
Off you are a private BTL.Landlord and reduced allowances higher tax is inevitably.

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