‘I’m Selling 35 Homes’: Landlords Struggling, but Public Says ‘Good Riddance’

‘I’m Selling 35 Homes’: Landlords Struggling, but Public Says ‘Good Riddance’

9:07 AM, 20th September 2024, About 7 days ago

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It’s a tough time for landlords, with new legislations, CGT tax rises, incorporation challenges, EPC requirements, The Renters Rights Bill and mounting financial pressures, there’s no surprise that many landlords are looking to sell. Yet for the British public, more often than not, landlords are villainised as “deserving” of losing the assets they’ve worked hard to acquire and build over the years.

For myself, David Coughlin, CEO of Landlord Sales Agency and a private landlord, I never expected my recent interview with The Telegraph to “go viral” when I spoke to them explaining why so many landlords are feeling the pinch and exiting the market.

In less than 24 hours, I was trending on Apple’s top 3 news articles, had 2.1 thousand interactions and 568 comments on “Nobody likes a Tory,” not to mention from one Twitter user almost 1 million views and one thousand reposts, all commenting anything from cutthroat name-calling to (on the lighter side) laughing emojis and tiny violin Gifs. Non-landlords clearly have no sympathy for us.

My phone rang throughout the day with people asking if I’d seen myself on “the internet” and even today as I write this, I open my phone to 100 more “tiny violin” animations. You have to laugh at it, and I do see it from their side, but it’s important they see if from our side too.

Of all the backlash (which is quite understandable when you go to a national newspaper saying that you own 65 houses and now you only get to keep 30) only a handful of landlords jumped onto the threads to defend the landlord’s point of view. It’s an issue I’m taking extremely seriously, currently working with LandlordZONE’s Paul Shamplina and a group of signatories including PLAN, supported by the NRLA who are looking to lobby the Government for more fair laws for landlords. We’re currently penning a letter to Minister of State, Matthew Pennycook MP.

The fact of the matter is, that whether you agree or not that being a private landlord is a valid career or “playing the system,” it is for myself, and so many other honest landlords out there, something we’ve built from scratch with care, extreme hard work, planning, and always, always with the tenants in mind – almost 80% of my properties had tenants in that had been living there comfortably for over 10 years – choosing to stay renters for various reasons which they’re happy with and in some cases they’ve gone on to buy the property.

For honest landlords, the current climate is bleak, and you can laugh all you want, but it’s no fun investing your life into a business only to be taxed to the hilt and regulated so extensively that you have no choice but to get out. Sound familiar? Well that’s because over 150 landlords are contacting us every month to try to sell their portfolios. The urgency to it doesn’t help. Where on earth can you sell your properties as a landlord if part of the reforms mean you can’t evict tenants to sell? There’s only one option – in most cases landlords have to sell to other landlords, and that’s what they’re doing.

It’s why I set up Landlord Sales Agency, to help landlords like myself who are desperate to sell over the next couple of months before things go from bad to worse. I’m so passionate about helping landlords, it’s why I put my neck on the line in The Telegraph, because I believe we absolutely do need help, and from the looks of it, the only help we’ll get is if landlords help other landlords.

So here I am, writing to you to say, if you’re a landlord who’s in my position (like many of us are) and wants to sell, my company Landlord Sales Agency can do it all. Because it’s run by landlords, we know exactly how to sell individual or bulk buy-to-lets. No matter how big or small your portfolio. We’re faster than Estate Agents, get you higher prices than auctions, and are made up of the UK’s best property experts who know exactly how to sell and get you the best price so you can exit this market once and for all – or at the very least, do as I did and only keep your best properties, whilst reinvesting your money elsewhere. What’s more, we’ll get it done before anyone else – with access to our own private database of over 30,000 buyers waiting to buy landlord properties and being text every time your property comes to us, we’ll unrivalled at getting the job done.

So if you’re a landlord who’s struggling, or needs to sell, don’t worry. We’re here to help, and we’re passionate individuals who’ll get the job done for you straight away, fast, for the highest price.

It’s time to free yourself up, and walk away with cash in the bank to restart or retire.

Contact Landlord Sales Agency

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