Campaign demands one million social homes as people struggle with damp and mould

Campaign demands one million social homes as people struggle with damp and mould

0:01 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago 2

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Crisis and Lloyds Bank are calling for one million social homes over the next decade to end homelessness.

The charity and the bank have partnered up on a campaign to show the realities of people waiting for a social home.

The campaign says many people are forced to live in accommodation “not fit for purpose” whilst waiting for a social home including homes filled with damp and mould.

Problems with accommodation

Research by Crisis, Lloyds Bank and homeless charity Simon Community Northern Ireland reveals nearly three-quarters (73%) of people on social housing waiting lists have experienced problems with their accommodation, that have been harmful to their health.

According to the research, nearly two-thirds of people (62%) said the condition of their current property has negatively impacted their mental health.

More than 1.5m UK households are stuck on social housing waiting lists, the new research also reveals how over half of those surveyed (55%) felt like their lives were on hold.

Breathing problems due to damp and mould

The study also reveals how people are forced to live in accommodation not fit for purpose while waiting for a social home.

One parent shared how their child developed breathing problems due to damp and mould and another parent shared how they had to deal with fleas.

Other parents reported having to share beds with their children due to a lack of space.

Broken housing system

The report’s findings have sparked a campaign by Lloyds Banking Group and Crisis, which highlights real experiences of people waiting for a social home.

The bank and charity have documented an A-Z guide of lived experiences of those waiting for a social home.

A for Anxiety. C for Cramped. W for Waiting List. And Z feels like Zero Way Out.

Matt Downie, Chief Executive at Crisis, says social housing is key to help solve the housing crisis.

He said: “It’s clear there is no time to wait to deliver the social housing we need to tackle homelessness. This report lays bare how our broken housing system is endangering people’s health, how it’s putting lives on hold and forcing parents to share beds with their children.

“With tens of thousands of people unable to move on with their lives, it’s critical that the government continues to be bold in its ambition on social housing and swiftly implements the changes needed to address the chronic shortage of social homes.

“Together with our partner Lloyds Banking Group, we are calling for one million social homes over the next decade to end homelessness for good.”

The full A-Z list guide can be viewed here

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Cider Drinker

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8:17 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

One million new homes over the next ten years won’t end homelessness. Not when a million new, potential tenants arrive on our shores every year.

I’d guess at 5 million new rental properties being the requirement. It is only a guess because Labour refuse to set a limit for net migration.

Monty Bodkin

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8:39 AM, 23rd September 2024, About 4 days ago

Why does P118 keep giving these nonsense 'reports' oxygen?

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