Council urges tenants to check their landlord’s license

Council urges tenants to check their landlord’s license

0:01 AM, 9th September 2024, About 2 days ago 3

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Oxford City Council is urging private tenants to check if their landlord has a valid license, as its citywide licensing scheme enters its third year.

The scheme requires all private rented homes in the city to be licensed, and the council has issued licenses for more than 9,500 properties.

However, there are still unlicensed homes in Oxford, the council says – flagging up that tenants living in unlicensed properties may be eligible for rent repayment orders (RROs).

An RRO allows tenants to claim back up to a year’s rent from their landlord for any period the home they live in has been unlicensed.

‘Ensure private rented homes are safe’

The council’s cabinet member for housing and communities, Councillor Linda Smith, said: “Our selective licensing scheme is helping ensure private rented homes are safe, properly maintained and well managed.

“Most landlords and agents are responsible and want to do the right thing.

“We received licence applications for more than 13,500 homes during the first two years of selective licensing.”

She adds: “If you’re a private tenant you can find out if your home has a licence by checking our register of selective licences.

“If not, we can advise you whether there is a pending application and what further action you can take if your landlord hasn’t even applied yet.”

Landlords face financial penalties

Unlicensed landlords and agents face financial penalties and other enforcement actions, including the risk of having to repay any housing benefit paid to them by the council.

They are also prohibited from serving section 21 ‘no-fault’ eviction notices.

The council also highlights that in 2022, it helped 44 tenants win nearly £85,000 after it was discovered they had been living in unlicensed student accommodation.

Oxford council can issue financial penalties of up to £30,000 and the courts have the power to impose unlimited fines for unlicensed homes.

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Cider Drinker

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8:40 AM, 9th September 2024, About A day ago

So, how many homes have been improved because of the city-wide cash grab? How much more rent are tenants paying so that their landlords can pay this ransom money?

It smacks of an old style protection racket.

Reluctant Landlord

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8:46 AM, 9th September 2024, About A day ago

Reply to the comment left by Cider Drinker at 09/09/2024 - 08:40
yup - if it costs the LL more, it will cost the T more...

Arthur Oxford

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11:02 AM, 9th September 2024, About A day ago

Ha-ha-ha! Labour run council and an absolute bl@@dy shower! They launched this in Sept 2022, had nearly 11,000 applications and had still only managed to grant 6000 licences by June this year! I don't know of any landlords in Oxford who have had any form of visit to verify property details. The whole thing is just a money-making scam.

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